Profile Generator
I'm Beth.
I was brought up on spaceships.
I'm really very clumsy.
I like photography, go have a nosey: here
I like croutons.
I like piercings.
I'm really good at embarrassing myself.
I like it when people surprise me by not doing what is expected.
I can be horrifically girly.
I have issues with those who ignore grammar.
I'm very good at being a grumpy cunt.
I always sit awkwardly, and I always lose the feeling in my feet.
I hate pins and needles.
I work in a Farmshop. It really is truely awesome.
I'll be attending Cardiff Uni is September.
I'll be attempting to get a BSc in Psychology. Halp.
I have pirate shoes but I'm a ninja.
Just because I'm nice to you doesn't mean I want your babies.