Movies, Comics, Music, My Little Girls, My Wife (the previous statements are listed in no particular order - Love You Babe!)
You know, that guy, from that movie, who had that... thing?
Anything cool, usually no new music because I'm broke
Any and all things Tarantino, Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Kill Bill to name a few, Get Shorty, It's A Wonderful Life, Tombstone, Field of Dreams, oh there's far too many to list.
LOST, Nip/Tuck (my guiltiest, guiltiest pleasure), Arrested Development, Scrubs, 24, Prison Break, Aqua Teen Hungerforce, Most things adult swim (except the anime, I just can't get into most of it) Family Guy, The Simpsons, and, yes, The O.C. (I like all the comic references, okay? Back off!)
Graphic Novels: The Dark Knight Returns, Sin City, Batman: A Death in the Family, Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying, Milk & Cheese, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Robin: A Hero Reborn, Batman: Year One / Novels: Stephen King's Dark Tower Series, anything creepy or scary, except Dean Koontz, I tried him once and it upset my stomach
My Wife Liz, My Daughters Abby and Kyrie, and Batman.