im alex
.wants a Mr Blobby or marshmallow man costume..
addicted to cherry tango and ice tea of the lemon and lime variety aswell as all alcoholic beverages....hates tonic water, cleches, wen i drop my phone down the bog also hates watching time tick by, work, when people tell me to get over myself MATE! definitely NOT!.....doesnt believe tht dandelions make u wet the bed...
loves independent, likes the smell of petrol, matches, lighter fluid and morgan love also loves music, glow sticks, playing snap, having a laugh also likes the odd night over the town with the usual crew its good crack or craic who cares.... i get bored easily so mate u better be interesting or ill just ignore ur existance...wishes to have all the disney DVD's. And ill tell u summing bein 18 aint wat its cracked up to be like