Showcasing on August 2-8
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Walk Away by Mr. Completely
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Mr. Completely is a four-piece rock group that has a strong camaraderie between the members that really shows on stage. Jamie Robertson is the energetic and assertive lead vocalist who fronts the band that is held together by rhythm section "Hot Rod" Campbell on drums and George Milutinovic on bass. The icing on the cake is Mr. C's guitarist extraordinaire Richard Spencer. "Mr. Completely " offers a dynamic sound filled with harmonies and incredible instrumental talent. Influenced by the classic rock genre, "Mr. Completely " plays a wide variety of dance songs including many of their own originals.Tom Harrison, Music Reviewer for The Province newspaper praised Mr. Completely…
"From Campbell River there is a little Blues Rock and some West Coast polish in a dozen songs and no attempt to be trendy which is to the band's credit. If you've been missing straight ahead rock, this might be your band."Mr. C's influences are many but mostly consist of those great classic rock acts of the 70's and 80's. Mr. Completely has found a lot of people are still listening to Classic Rock. Why? Because it ROCKS! It reaches people of all ages, and not just one specific demographic. They went into the studio with the intention of finding a sound and feel to the music that is reminiscent of that era — "The stuff that we used to and still do listen to," said lead singer Robertson. "Somehow we managed to achieve that and came out of the studio much happier than we expected to be. Thinking that maybe it was just us, we went to a few of our local radio stations that play classic rock mixed with today's new music and to our surprise, they picked up our first release "Walk Away" instantly."
Mr. Completely has had the opportunity to open for some of their favorite live acts such as Nazareth, Honeymoon Suite and Trooper. Mr. Completely's music sits well beside new rock as well. With the feel of classic rock and driving beats of today's new music, Mr. C's originals are classified as contemporary classic rock and reaches people of all ages. Three songs on their debut album have already had airplay on many of Vancouver Island's rock stations.Pete Montana, Program Director of 98.9 Jetfm said …
"Great cd, love it! ... Mr. Completely has a damn fine sound."Also, Mr. Completely's first release, Walk Away was nominated for Song of the Year at Island Music awards and has been sought out to join in TEA's 9th compilation cd. (Toronto's Experimental Artists)Jamie Robertson of Mr. Completely said… "We pride ourselves in putting on a great show, and we always make sure the audience has a memorable time whenever they see us." Guaranteed crowd pleasers, these guys will keep your dance feet on the floor!
This profile was edited with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.4