Not that kind of girl. profile picture

Not that kind of girl.

Destiny! Destiny! No escaping this for me!

About Me

A little weird. A little shy. Socially awkward. Vegan. I fall in love with clothing. I'm generally pretty pleased with myself.

If you message me with "What kind of girl are you?" you will not get a response.

My Interests

Eating Vegan food, Achewood, video games, fashion, movies and shopping.

I'd like to meet:

If you seriously know how to make shoes, please contact me. If you don't then you better be vegan and really hot.


Right now... Mates of State, Ladytron, The Editors, The New Pornographers, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, MGMT, The Fashion, Coconut Records, The Magnetic Fields, IAMX, and Mew.


My Man Godfrey, Breakfast at Tiffanys, Clueless, Roman Holiday, Nightmare on Elm Street, Moulin Rouge, Closer, The Royal Tennenbaums, NXNW, A Christmas Story, The Lost Boys, Funny Face, Sabrina, What a Way to Go, UHF, Gone With the Wind, The Dreamers, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Singin' in the Rain, An American in Paris and everything Harry Potter.


The Whitest Kids You know, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Tudors, Big Love, The Riches, Nip/Tuck, The First 48, What Not to Wear, Intervention.


I only read Harry Potter and magazines.


My mother, Audrey Hepburn, and Carole Lombard.

My Blog


A blog about my blog.
Posted by Not that kind of girl. on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 08:36:00 PST

Walk for Hope

I did this walk last year with my sister, and we raised over $2000 dollars together. I will be out of town when this happens this year, but I am posting my sisters donation page if you care to donate....
Posted by Not that kind of girl. on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 11:32:00 PST

Help me raise money for City of Hope!

I will be participating in the Walk for Hope for the City of Hope Hospital. My mom was treated there until she passed away from cancer earlier this year. I need sponsers, so if any of you are willing ...
Posted by Not that kind of girl. on Tue, 20 Sep 2005 09:50:00 PST


If so that means you flooded the bulletin board, causing me to miss actual good bulletins from awesome people with actual gooder stuff to say. When you are ready to become an awesome people with actua...
Posted by Not that kind of girl. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST