History (especially Roman... and yes, that includes Byzantine!... and Ottoman!). Science (I read the works of Einstein, Feynman and Sagan just for kicks). Writing. Great conversation (but beware my Will Hunting streak!). Politics. Riding my bike, running and taking long walks on my days off.
My ideal woman: athletic, attractive, 30-something; prefers Hector over Achilles, Themistocles over Leonidas, and the Amazons over all of them; Lovecraft over Poe, Poppy Z. Brite over Anne Rice, Octavia Bulter over Oprah Winfrey; the Stones over the Beatles, Le Tigre over the Pussycat Dolls, Buffy Anne Summers over Sarah Connor, and the Nocturnals over the X-Men.If she tosses me 'tude while flirting, I know she's a keeper.I swoon like a demimonde if she cusses like a scofflaw.Her body's not a temple, it's a canvas.And yeah, her heart belongs to punk rock.
Oh, and aside from her, I want to meet everyone else, even the folks I've already met; I miss all my Peeps!:
This changes for me every day. My CD collection runs the gamut from Hank Williams Sr. to Wu Tang Clan.
In between you'll find lots of punk and indie rock, a little classical, electronica, and even a tad bit of Weird Al Yankovic.
The Killers, TV On The Radio, Flaming Lips, White Stripes, The Strokes, Modest Mouse, Le Tigre, Radiohead, She Wants Revenge, Ladytron, Matson Jones, M. Ward, Bloc Party, etc. etc.
If it comes from Asia and has lots of ass-whuppin', then I'm game.
Current faves: Law & Order: SVU, Life and Dexter.
Perennial faves: The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, South Park, Battlestar Galactica, Family Guy, Futurama, The Simpsons, any Star Trek, Babylon 5, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Firefly, and The History Channel.
Just Finished: Making History by Stephen Fry; who'da thought that a novel about a guy who inadvertently changes history and causes the Nazis to win would be so damned funny? And on purpose, too! Look it up; it's worth it.
Still Working On: Byzantium, Volume II: The Apogee by John Julius Norwich.
In general, I prefer science fiction, fantasy, alternative history, some horror now and then. If you're lucky, you might sometimes catch me reading actual "literature," too.
Everyone's a hero if you catch them at the right time!