Jennifer profile picture



About Me

There's not much to say about me. I'm still trying to go to college, off-and-on. I'll finish one day.I married Josef in July 2006. Hopefully we will have a family soon. Right now we have three Dachshunds, George W., Laura Bea., and Jeb (yes, i'm that strange), and one big mixed breed, Saya. I play double bass in the Amarillo Symphony. I also play electric bass, but not very often. I've played bass for over 12 years. I work at Maxor National Pharmacy.

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I also love fish! If you click on them they move around! Cute! ^.^
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My Interests

Music, cars (hot rods), NHRA, video games, anime, and cheese.

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I'd like to meet:

Victor Wooten, Trent Reznor, and some other people who are not coming to mind right now."An integral part of any relationship is knowing that you could be killed in your sleep at any time."-Trent Reznor


I like a lot of different music. Anything from Classical to Industrial. Favorites include: Elvis, Johnny Cash, NIN, KMFDM-MDFMK, Tool, Merle Haggard, Pink Floyd, Lacuna Coil, Ella Fitzgerald, and many many more.


American Beauty, Children of Men, Clerks I & II, Elvis Movies, Event Horizon, Ghost World, Lost in Translation, Tank Girl, Wayne's World, X-1999 (anime)


American Dad, Angel (yes, still), Anime (random), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also, yes still), Burn Notice, Chuck, Family Guy, Frasier, Ghost Hunters, Golden Girls (laugh if you must), Law & Order, Reaper, Simpsons, Till' Death, Venture Brothers