Dustin Zachary profile picture

Dustin Zachary

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

focus: PHOTOGRAPHY to search and to find that which has been lost through the process of time to travel to seek out solace in the tattered edges of the unknown until it becomes what i know and what i knew... in this i search for nothing more then myself until i find that which i seek i will share with you what i know of this juncture and this life

distraction: special fx the dim flickering glow of this monitor has yet to destroy my eyes maya tequila tats don't care if you don't understand mine like tuesdays and the smell of race gas i'd drink it if i could red is a good color if you smell toast go get your head checked soba noodles ktm not yet afraid to die anti plastic addition orange is a good color too surf motocross snowboard downhill falling fights blood music movies shows friends family tech steel fire ocean sex cars art fx touch smell eyes toes in the mud kyokushin swizzle sticks broken bones travel short films sushi palette expansion 72' bronco and the 68' BADSEED ro'ro

sound: deadboy and the elephantmen wax tailor zoot woman golden earring chevelle the kinks pagoda wolf parade she wants revenge mickey avalon danzig springbok nude girls the kills razorlight tv on the radio the black keys black rebel motorcycle club srv the tragically hip louis xiv bob marley bob dylan acdc the beta band the doors rolling stones jack johnson mason jennings ben harper billy holiday nick drake nina simone lynyrd skynyrd kings of leonanalog: invisible monsters choke survivor into thin air adrift diary oyama bushido book of five rings mags flaunt clear paper w surface

vision: american psycho shogun assassin eternal sunshine spun kill bills watership down wedding crashers old school super troopers fight club bottle rocket lost in translation oldboy suicide kings brazil swimming pool american splendor bullitt dark crystal labrynth legend rats of nimh natural born killers bonnie and clyde snatch casshern sideways motorcycle diaries
depth: so i guess if you made it this far it's relatively safe of me to assume that there is some genuine interest on your part in knowing something about me details so to speak so here you have it my name is dustin zachary i live in los angeles work as a special effects artist and photographer born and raised in canada in 78 stopped growing physically at the some what modest height of 6'4"... and... i fucking hate puncuation


My Blog


if you could see your own future... would you want to. if something or some one were able to share with you such insight... could you look. could you look away. what if you chose to... what if you saw...
Posted by Dustin Zachary on Tue, 08 Nov 2005 04:27:00 PST

just watch it... i know its long and starts slow... but watch it none the less...

Posted by Dustin Zachary on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 06:28:00 PST

team 5.sl0w hit the ground running...

Team 5.sl0wBy Mario Gialoppi | October 14, 2007 Team 5.sl0w hit the ground running today. The car had been VERY well sorted by Ian and his awesome friend Devin! But there was still a lot to be done. ...
Posted by Dustin Zachary on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 11:08:00 PST

here in the valley of a thousand falls...

...the only measurable force holding you down is gravity. you can look to the sky and if you so desire... reach it. if you shy from the challenge the only person you will cheat is yourself. you may fe...
Posted by Dustin Zachary on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 10:35:00 PST


touch... from what? the brush of disrupted air channeled discreetly through the small spaces... holes, cracks, hairs of our bodies. a whisper on the wind that peaks your senses... tickles your thought...
Posted by Dustin Zachary on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 12:55:00 PST

brain freeze...e...

do you feel as though you understand the complexities of the human spirit? do you see through me& see through what i choose to show you? if you do& and i mean this with complete sincerity& i applaud y...
Posted by Dustin Zachary on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 12:17:00 PST

leftism... and the non exsistant left handed camera...

if you're left handed... you may relate... if not... i just don't think you'd understand. either way, the lack of true left'astic devices has been something of a ponderance of mine since the knee high...
Posted by Dustin Zachary on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 04:54:00 PST

telephonic impersonalization...

you dial the number of whom you seek to speak... the cell phone rings but... no answer. a slight calm washes over you as the soft celled pre-recorded tones of whom ever/what ever seeks to inform you t...
Posted by Dustin Zachary on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 12:42:00 PST

ramble, rant... eat it...

i eat for my soul... i feast from sweet sugar cane, tasting what can only been seen... though i see what can not. i taste bent sun beams as they drip from honeys golden caustics... refracted and in vo...
Posted by Dustin Zachary on Sat, 27 May 2006 12:22:00 PST


why feed the horde when a single hand can strike at the nerve? keep close your friends... but keep few. numbers breed weakness, not strength... deception clouds as rules are lost. maint...
Posted by Dustin Zachary on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 11:13:00 PST