mzjoolz takes da "R" train's Latest Blog Entry
mzjoolz in seattle part ONE (view more)
javon's first b-day. mzjoolz in surgery (view more)
Brooklyn Fashion Week show. (view more)
ya'll babies gettin' FedEx'ed overnight (view more)
a visit to the ob/gyn; she left me weak... (view more)
cigarettes and coffee. (view more)
Lesbian admiration / Important Individuals (view more)
"BOYS" are like Nintendo games to me (view more)
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jimi effin hendrix, baby
jimi effin hendrix, baby
quick biography
mzjoolz. otherwise known as joolie. brooklyn. the 718. in existence for 24 yrs. part-time: art director/admin @ spabébé & student. full time: graphic designer @ nbc. 5 piercings; no tatts. i get madd stupid with my artwork. fresh to def with style and grace! i love mental intercourse through books/novels. no babies. no husband. no drama. just a beau.
misconceptions of joolie
i'm not so typical like ya'll percieve me to be . take a good look at yourself before labeling me- branding me- second guessing me- backstabbing me- prejudging me- hating me. i'm not so typical... so stop treating me like i am. i'm my own-self. i don't like all this conformity our society is guilty of. i like to be different, but i don't "seek" to be so obscure that people find me to be a poser. i just do what i feel. some individuals often make false judgments of my intelligence, stability, success, & confidence--- then corner me into degradation or gossip. however, i will continue to not let those comments and views hinder the way i think and/or feel about my self. so, go f*ck yourself. my style is very eclectic . don't suspect me to be a hip hop head, punk, emo kid, or whatever. i fancy all genres of music (even country!), art, fashion, and lifestyle... i don't hate on anyone's preferences.
SLIDE SHOW A LA MZJOOLZ (click on + to speed it up!!)
i ♥ NY: scenery pictures taken by myself. you love it.
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mzjoolz takes da "R" train
"i ♥ girls, girls, girls, girls i do adore."
24 years old
hustlin' in brooklyn, New York.
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