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Dirk McGirk!

About Me

"They that can give up liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin

My Interests

hiphop, rock, console games, art, architecture, Rome, Ireland, writing, reading, good movies, MOUNTAIN biking, exploration, Bobby and Mamasita, OpenBSD, haiku, graphic design, graf. Pretty standard stuff.


Aesop Rock, Mr. Lif, MF DOOM, Slug, Illogic, Jedi Mind Tricks, Kool G. Rap, Brother Ali, DJ Premier, Hiero, RJD2, crayzwalz, Hot Snakes, Lightning Bolt, Knapsack (Jealous Sound), Breaking Pangaea, Samiam, Fifty Days At Ilium, Mineral, Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones... etc.


Boondock Saints, Shaun of the Dead, The Shining, Blue Submarine Number Six, Ghostbusters, Gattaca, Eternal Sunshine..., Bruce Almighty, The Fifth Element


Vonnegut, John Irving, David Sedaris, etc.

My Blog

comments into thin air

If you've recently sent me any comments and wondered why I'm an asshole and didn't "approve" them, I actually did, they just don't show up and when I try to approve them again it throws an error. ...
Posted by Kenny on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 06:30:00 PST