About Me
[o1] my name is heather, obviously.
[o2] i am a 16 year old junior at heritage, the real hhs.
[o3] i am currently with michael. he's so awesome.
[o4] i have one tru best friend n that's angie. i luv u gurly.
[o5] i am well-aware of the fact that people don't like me, but did i mention that i don't care.
[o6] i don't like it when people think they kno everything b/c 9 times out of 10, they don't.
[o7] a majority of all my ex-boyfriends prove themselves to be real assholes.
[o8] i get along with a majority of my family, except my dad.
[o9] right now, my main focus is school. yeh, there are people trying to pull me away from my focus, but it's not going to work anymore.
[1o] i am way to good for people who go lookin for trouble, especially little kids whom i leave nameless.
[11] and for those who think i haven't moved on from my last boyfriend, you really have no idea.
[12] my main influences right now are my mentor, mrs.conrad, and my boyfriend, michael.
[13] i don't like people who try to pick fights because they have no life.
[14] many people have lied, broken promises, and let me down.
[15] but i try not to let it get to me.
[16] if a person really loves you, then they would never intentionally hurt you.
[17] if you wanna talk, IM me on ordinarygurl28.