smile™ - rip anie profile picture

smile™ - rip anie

rip anie - you deserved so much more than life gave you.

About Me

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if you can read this you now have cancer.
have a nice day.


15 yrs old.
a lot of things make me angry.
a lot of things make me happy.
a lot of things annoy me,
that probably includes you.
i care for the people who dont give a fuck about me.
and i dont give a fuck about most the people who do.
shit happens.
things change.
people leave.
nothing lastes forever.
this life is only what you make of it.
make it worthwhile.
this world irrtiates me.
humanity in itself is dumb.
we're killing ourselves,
but we still dont seem to understand it.

[email protected]

My Interests

eating canned cranberries ^_^
drunken hangs

I'd like to meet:

i want to meet the person who named pepper
coz whoever they are i dissagree with them...



-Fight Club
-Greenstreet Holigans
-Devils Rejects
-House of 1000 Corpses
-Sin City


canned apricots
"are you sure it isn't off?"
"yes! canned food can't go off, thats why its canned."
"ok, but why is it all dark and murky?"
"i don't no, just eat it!"
*puts fork in can*
"jess......there arn't any apricots in it..."


anie egan


My Blog


why does everyone get so connected to people, places? how long does it take to realise that nothing lastes forever. and why do people get so worked up about it all when things change? there is n...
Posted by smile™ - rip anie on Sat, 19 May 2007 04:00:00 PST

90's kid [1992]

90's kid. Anybody under the age of 13 just won't understand. Just because you were born in '97 doesn't mean you're a 90's kid. It's not like you could remember the original Simpsons. I am sorry but...
Posted by smile™ - rip anie on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 04:50:00 PST