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Mary Jane

what was said to the rose to make it open, was said to me here in my chest

About Me

lost in the darkness of my own circumstance...Don't let it take you in this far......a trip inside my brain would be filled with slippery roads and crazy lights, flashing at odd intervals to the tune of a pink floyd song, played backwards in a two-by-two room, one speaker, and a open-circut light switch, wires exposed and a hole large enough to see three feet into the crevices of the wall, spider webs, scratching, and emptiness...I don't know how much you know about anorexia, but it is basically total mind games. After being told many times and actually seeing it at times, my perception is so warped. I can remember my best friend taking pictures of my naked body and then showing me how I looked because if I were to look in a mirror I'd see fat, even being a size zero. It's tough to explain this warped perception, but later on I learned that many people with eating disorders have a condition called body dysmorphia, which is a distorted view of their true size. What I learned from my therapist is that what happens is, when you fear something you inherently perceive it as larger. And since an anorexic's biggest fear is fat, when he/she looks in the mirror, he/she sees fat magnified. You can think of it like this: say you have arachnophobia and you spot a tiny spider. Because youre terrified of spiders, you may "see" it as gigantic. You might even notice hair and fangs that aren't there. The same thing usually happens when an anorexic looks in the mirror. I can remember at my sickest I felt like I was trapped in the bottom of a well with no way out.Those unbeknownst to the world of eating disorders think it is all about weight and calories. Preoccupation about food and dieting is only part of the whole picture. Eating disorders are actually complex conditions that evolve from a combination of behavioral, emotional, interpersonal, psychological and social factors. Just like no two individual fingerprints are exactly the same, neither is a person’s relationship to the eating disorder or reasons behind its development. There are several factors research shows can contribute to the development of eating disorders

"It is the minds of men that make war. Women are the architects of peace."

...come on girls, we are the peace makers! We need to take charge and stop leaving everything up to men. But what are we doing instead? Each one of us is a piece of meat. That's what you are. And we're all playing along with it. We are starving ourselves in hopes to be "perfect" and beautiful when true beauty is within. I'm furious. Some rich bastard is lying in a pool in the Bahamas laughing saying, "those stupid skinny women who fell for the "diet" adds we put in all those magazines and now they are sick and I am rich, haha!" Take a good look at what you are doing. You have no control with Anorexia. I am the sacrifice and boy am I pissed off about it, really mad...angry that I have been used, manipulated, by the diet industry the beauty industry the advertising industry...their all making money off my health. Well, I'm enraged that inserted into my physique at a very formative age, before I had any say over it, is an image of beauty that is physically unattainable for me. I was told that that is beautiful and this is not. I was taught to hate the only body I'm ever going to get. I actually understand the mindset of a women who says she'd rather die than gain weight. I'm enraged that I was dragged down to the underworld to the land of the dead by the Lord of thin. I swallowed the seed, the food of the dead. I swallowed the seed of the lie. It told me, "only if you are thin will you be beautiful, and only if you are thin and beautiful ONLY THEN will you be loved." I swallowed the lie and it sat in my belly for years this hard heavy cold thing. But now I water it with all the energy I found in my rage, and out of that little seed comes a tiny green shoot a little sprig of new life, I am reborn. I am reborn every time I tell myself I love my body. I am reborn every time I write on a piece of paper "I love my body." I write it everyday. Some days I believe it and some days I don't, but I write it every day anyhow. I write it every day as a way to fight back, I write it every day because it is a subversive act in the world that we live in for a women to love her body.

you just can't win, the things you own...OWN YOU.

KEEP THE SOUL, THAT'S CONTROLthis body's a cave, we're dead in here anyway"All my limitations are self-imposed, and my liberation can only come from true self-love."-Max Robinson (((after a 70 day hospitalization)))and i would give you more when ive given to myself & i would hear you better when ive listened to myself& i would see you more when ive learned to love myself and i would know you more deeply when ive learned to know myselfYou can NOT measure pain on a scale... ALL people with Eating Disordors suffer....before i was consumed...
This too shall pass one time I let my head tired of the straight line and everywhere you turn there's vultures and thieves at your back and the storm keeps on twisting you keep on building the lie that you make up for all that you lack it doesn't make a difference escaping one last time it's easier to believe in this sweet madness this glorious sadness that brings me to my knees...Click here to get Falling ObjectsThese are the seasons of emotion and like the winds they rise and fall This is the wonder of devotion - I see the torch we all must hold. This is the mystery of the quotient - Upon us all a little rain must fall .I wanna hold your hand...
"Anorexia became my noble pursuit -- my mission. It was a way I could define myself, and so, it became an inseparable part of me." People don't understand that those with an anorexia are not shallow. They feel too much. They feel like they don't exist, and as if they are too present. They feel the need to whither like their feelings.Today, and every day forward, I CHOOSE LIFE!I hereby promise to fully participate in this life as it was so generously given to me, recognizing it as a gift always.It is my desire and conscious CHOICE to walk through each step of the journey ahead of me, by honoring and respecting the body given to me, with all its imperfections, pains and scars, treasuring the story they tell and the lessons they have taught me through my darkest hours.Today, I recognize my body as vulnerable and human, undeserving of the shame or judgment I once tormented myself with daily.Simply, I CHOOSE love over hate.I accept my curves, my rounded and natural God-given body with sincere and honest JOY!Today, I am willing to trust, to accept, to honor, to celebrate, to embrace COURAGE, STRENGTH, and WISDOM in the nourishment of my life, the challenges that lie ahead of me, knowing that nothing need ever define my life or my body again!Today, I embrace my power, my inner wisdom and most importantly MY VOICE!
I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts !

My Interests

We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival."We gain strength and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face...we must do that which we think we cannot." -Ralph Waldo Emerson"LIFE IS OUTSIDE YOUR DOOR AND LOVE IS ALL AROUND YOU." ...GET REAL.....Today I had a conversation with my true self. She was perturbed with me. She asked me why I had abandoned her; why I had ignored all her constant advice and then she reminded me of all the things I had forgotten. And never once did she say, "I told you so"

I'd like to meet:

people who understand...

They are choking us with images but starving us of solutions.

People with anorexia eventually eat death. And why are all of our country's most powerful (meaning the most wealthy) young attractive women (Allegra and Mary-Kate Olsen and Nicole come to mind) starving away their strength and power and instead of taking over the world, taking over the treatment centers?? When are we going to wake up in the United States and acknowledge it is a serious problem when females shrink rather than grow up and take charge? I love this country, but it's going backwards and we can't let this happen. Why doesn't the media, which has been indisputably linked to eating disorders, take any responsibility? If we can clearly influence each other to the point of terminal emotional sickness, why the fuck can't we use that same medium and influence each other in a positive way???"To be honest I was in a daze when these photos were taken, I lost about three months of memory, I was very out of it (according to friends). Whatever fun I was expecting when I was "thin" wasn't available. There was just nothing... just an emptiness and haze and constant thoughts about food and weight and numbers... my soul was depleted of energy and I don't want to waste time like that ever again. The deadness in my eyes reminds me not to go back. No, I was never as emaciated as some people get, but for me, for my body and my mind, this state was a bottom. It was a nightmare and my quality of life was non-existant. "
If you don't take care of your body, where will you live?


Music has been a main part of the healing process for me, as well as a passion for my whole life. The following are lyrics that I have found to be about eating disorders, or I have related to them during my disordered eating and now in my recovery... I just want to share them with you because I think it is VERY important to know that you are NOT the only one who struggles and questions and wonders and hurts over this life we are living. One of my favorite theories about eating disorders comes from Dr. William Rader, the founder of Rader Programs, who insisted that: IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT... YOU ARE NOT ALONE.*Cosy Sheridans CD "The Pomegranate Seed" *Perfect, Alanis Morrisette *Mary Jane, Alanis Morrisette *Ana's Song, Silverchair *Unpretty, TLC *Silent All These Years, Tori Amos *Fast as you can, Fiona Apple *Full of Grace Sarah Mclachan *Bleed Like Me, Garbage
do you know how it feels?I know a girl who cries when she practices violin because each note sounds so pure it just cuts into her, and then the melody comes pouring out her eyes. Now, to me, everything else just sounds like a lie. -Bright Eyes



Anorexia comes in one size...MISERABLEThey will detail their pain In some standard refrain. They will recite their sadness Like it's some kind of contest. Well, if it is, I think I am winning it, All beaming with confidence as I make my final lap. The gold medal gleams so hang it around my neck cause I am deserving it: the champion of idiots.


LIFE WITHOUT ED. The Monster In The Mirror, Shattering Your Strong Holds, Biting The Hand That Starves You, Diary Of An Anorexic Girl, Healing Through Deliverance, Lord I Want To Be Whole, Bronte's Story, Stick Figure, More Than Survivors, Roger Slade The Anorexia Nervosa Reference Book Good basic introduction, including the "whirlpool" theory of anorexia. Roger Slade & Marilyn Duker Anorexia and Bulimia - how to help This book has the best visual illustration of eating disorders as a boardgame that I've ever seen. Helpful for anyone. Jill Welbourne & Joan Purgold The Eating Sickness The first book I ever read, just after my anorexia had started. Out of print now, but well worth trying to track down. Jenefer Shute Life-Size A novel that is almost scary in how much it captures the feeling of being anorexic. Could trigger off a bout of starving. Daisy Waugh What is the Matter with Mary Jane More fiction, about the impact of anorexia on a family. Well written, ironic narrator and a tragi-comic tale. The Hungry Self Kim Chernin A great description of what's underneath eating disorders. Her other book are good too. Appetites Geneen Roth She seems just a tad too perfect and American for me to totally go with what she says, but I know a lot of other bulimics and compulsive eaters have found her books helpful. Naomi Wolf The Beauty Myth The theory behind what everyone knows is true about women and dieting and body size. Hunger Strike Suzie Orbach A feminist classic view of eating disorders. The Forbidden Body: Why Being Fat is Not a SinShelley Bovey Reprinted with a different title (the original did't have the forbidden body bit), but still a good book on body acceptance. She's fairly heavy on anorexics who think they're fat, but still says some good stuff. Dieting will make an otherwise happy person obsessed, depressed and repressed. Dieting is how eating disorders start."If you get rid of the pain before you have answered its questions, you get rid of the self along with it." I hate this life...I hate myselfIf the overload of despair would only subside and permit my soul to be free, I could be content in my thoughts and the night would no longer by my adversary and to be alone would no longer cause unimaginable fear. But how to find my way out of these thoughts, how to exceed the desire to run away, back to the arms of comfort, where solitude is a meaningless word, and the night is only a dream.


My heroes are the ones who survived doing it wrong, who made mistakes, but recovered from them. *she surrendered to change*She believed in her own possibilities she practiced loving through her pain she did what she knew to bring healing to her temple body, her sound mind, her blessed spirit, her relationships, she forgave herself, she forgave others, wat she could she danced she prayed she gave up shame she reached out she reached in sometimes she felt like it wasn't working she fell down she cried she got up she listened to her heart she healed she opened she grew new gardens in her flowering soul...she overcame.She travelled... ...beyond the streets of oppression, the valley of inauthenticity, the forests of despair, the river of regret and the desert of self judgement. She crossed the sea of change, the mountains of transformation and finally, she arrived! In the meadow of possibility she claimed her life song.We are making ourselves and people younger than us crazy with this... we've got to stop the pattern. The pursuit of thinness is not what life is supposed to be about.Unite and conquer eating disorders...They lie...and parts of ourselves die, while attempting to please them...But we have a choice...the choice to feel, to fight, to realize that what we perceive is not always what is true.As a wise friend has told me: "Feelings are real, but they are not necessarily true."Remember that...anorexia steels that realization...but we have to fight to reclaim reclaim ourselves.Know that life is precious, that it can suddenly be taken away. Open your eyes, open your heart and look at this world in all of its wonder. Look, really look at a flower, look really look into a child’s eyes, look, really look at the ocean’s waves and the sky’s clouds. Breathe and smile that you can, walk and slowly flex each leg then toe and smile that you can, dance naked in the sun and laugh that you can. Phone someone and show you care and seek out those that need help and see the tear in their eyes at your kindness, a kindness that they may not have seen before. Be you, find out who you is, strip away the pretence, the false personas, don’t want to be someone else, don’t want to be successful or admired, just be you and the feeling of contentment will bathe over you. Take every negative thought that comes your way and stamp on it before it sows seeds and weeds obscure your view. If you let them grow they will take you over. Have courage and faith in good and inspire others to. There is a song, with some lyrics that are close to my soul and one line is.."and this world will be shaken by a whisper"Don’t ever feel you are too small to make a difference…... ...Kimmy you are my lightBeing in recovery from my eating disorder is the scariest but best thing I have EVER done. I only wish all the people who have this problem could have the courage to begin this journey. It's HARD work every day, but the reward is living instead of commiting suicide slowly. You are worth it. No matter how much your disorder has warped you, you will ALWAYS be worth recovery.

* Limitless *

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.

My Blog

my great mystery

I've noticed that sometimes on the road, the steepness of the hills and the treachery of the rock-strewn track wear me down. I eventually grow thin and weak, lose whatever strength and invincibility I...
Posted by Mary Jane on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 10:23:00 PST


To everyone that asks and wonders, yes I was on E! True Hollywood "Starving For Perfection" and thanks for watching.   Erica   -------------------- "Imagine A Women In Love With Hersel"...
Posted by Mary Jane on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 08:13:00 PST

A Life With Anorexia Nervosa

I've decided to completely open up about a battle I have been fighting for close to 2 years now. I think we need to acknowledge things that have happened to us, resolve them the best we can and move f...
Posted by Mary Jane on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 09:53:00 PST

Home and Away

 I am home now. Yes, I got discharged from Stanford last night! Hooray, I'm out of prison. Now, the next step. I am flying down to LA tomorrow early morning. I am going into a residential program...
Posted by Mary Jane on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 11:35:00 PST

For you, my friend.

It's all how we choose to see it...believe it, feel it... We forget how fragile life really is...especially when we have the weak, malnourised body and brain that our eating disorder has caused us to ...
Posted by Mary Jane on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 11:31:00 PST

One thing

One thing I've learned over time, is that I can't MAKE anyone change.. so taking the role of coach, supporter, teacher, etc.. is a choice the other person has to be involved in, and receptive to. Rece...
Posted by Mary Jane on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 07:22:00 PST

Patient in Stanford Medical Hospital

People tend to message me the same things time and time again. I thought maybe I'd just post some of them and my thoughts so maybe it would save you some time? If not, it helps me vent anyway. ha! Al...
Posted by Mary Jane on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 11:17:00 PST

Monte Nido   Is Our Program Right for You? From the Director Learning to feed oneself and be at peace in one's body is difficult in today's society where what you weigh seems more import...
Posted by Mary Jane on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 11:35:00 PST

Declarartion of Independence

***WRITTEN WELL ON WWW.ANOREXICWEB.COM*** Declaration of Independence When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one person to dissolve the psychological bands which have connec...
Posted by Mary Jane on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 09:38:00 PST

Hide And Seek

I'll tell you flat out that it hurts me so much to always think of this. So from my thoughts I will tell you that the very thing that I hate more than everything is the way I feel so powerless. I have...
Posted by Mary Jane on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 09:52:00 PST