This is mommys little tadpole.
Ive met him once and I fell for him,I fell into an abyss of love unlike any other Ive ever expierienced.Enveloping me in his soft but yet strong sense of comfort.His gentle caress soothes my concerns and carries my thoughts to a bed of pure contentment.With shivers that only a god could produce that run down my body each time he touches me.Completely satisfied, I laid in his sweet embrace,longing to remain indefinitely.Now everday I get to make that fall again and again each time I see his smile each time I feel his touch ..knowing he is mine.I love you Greg.Well to make things even better he propsed to me on Christmas eve. It was really sweet, He suggested we slept in the living room in front of the fire place and I was thinking well that would be cozy but no big deal since we had did it before.Once we laid down he asked if I wanted to open any of my presents and I said no, hell Christmas was only hours away, but he insisted. So when he handed me the ring box I got excited but I told myself not to get too excited since it could just be a ring not the ring. Once I opened itThis is love.
I really dont have one type I listen to. Mostly morning talk shows on the way to work and whatever is onthe radio after so thats that for now.
Who has time for these anymore??
Ilike Rome, its really adicting the first time i saw it, I thought man what are you watching but now I am waiting for sundays to see the next episode.
Baby magazines and, There awesome when it comes to advice and problems you may have. If I ever question anything I just look it up online, its much better than going to the docters a hundred times ;)
My dad is, always has been, and always will be the greatest man I ever known...Love you pops. Oh by the way this is my mom Angels bike he got her this year too i cant find a Pic of his.