I love her!! profile picture

I love her!!

Fuck the world!!

About Me

I am 23 years old and im the Asst. Manager of a Subway and Anderson Bicycle Shop here in Racine. I like to ride my bikes yes I said bikes I got like 3 of them. I also like hanging out with my friends and watching movies. I love music...All kinds of it.

Webpage by Drago™ DRAGO™

My Interests

| View | Add FavoriteRight now I love tattoo's witch you can find pics of in my pics section. I have a total of five piercing two in one eyebrow, one in my lip, tongue and ear but I hope to get more. And what’s life without friends witch I’d say I have a lot of them. I like to hang out at the mall at the arcade and just walk around it and hang out. I also go bowling, hang out at I Hop and Denny's restaurant. Music is everything to me!! Without it I think we all would be going nowhere in life. No matter what kind of music you like there is something in it you can relate to that will keep you happy and going on in life.

I'd like to meet:

The friends I’d like to meet would have to be just about anyone out their. I mainly hang out with Gothic’s but I do hang out with all groups of people that don’t discriminate on how you look and act.

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I like all kinds of music.


All kinds comedy, horror, and action you name it ill wach it.


Family Guy, Simpsons, Futuerama.


All my friends.