Deadvision profile picture


The Last Man Standing

About Me

I'm Ron! Most the information like where i live etc you can find by reading this profile, aswell as bands etc i like. I'm a DJ, I Dj in clubs in northampton (Roadmender/Soundhaus) and Leicester (Mosh). I play Rock and Alternative music and have Dj'ed with some awesome bands in my time including Deftones, 36 Crazyfists, Jimmy Eat World, American HeadCharge, Therapy?, Arnocorps, Cooper Temple Clause and several others.
Feel free to add me if you like what you see.
"Ron is a modest 5ft9 bundle of joy, he enjoys snuggling and watching telly (especially DIY shows) and finds pleasure in simple things.

Requires feeding daily (hot dogs will get you in his good books for at least a week) and petting at all times for optimum happiness, otherwise content with the odd bit of affection.
Very sociable and earns his keep by playing with cd’s a few times a week.
He’s extremely caring, will do his upmost to please others even if it isn’t in his best interests.
He has very few bad habits, one being that he likes to pretend he’s a lizard a few times a year and another being over protective about companions, though this is only a minor issue and is quite sweet.
If interested please get in touch, free to a good home."
- Chibs, 2006

"In the dense central forests of Wellingborough a new species has been discovered. This creature is to be known as 'The Stig'.
Characteristics of The Stig are distinctly different from any creature yet known to science. However, The Stig spends the majority of his time sitting in the tree tops where he likes to catch squirrels and sniff them for hours on end.
The sleep pattern of The Stig is somewhat hard to establish, it seems that this creature gets by on taking frequent naps throughout the day and night. The Stigs main diet consists of hot dogs, mushy peas, cheese rolls and mineral water.
It is not yet known why The Stig is such a rare species, from information gathered so far, he seems like a sociable creature and is often seen out during the small hours. The Stig is talented in breeding small frogs which he then sells for a small profit on Ebay."
- Juice, 2006
Mister Ron is a creature of many talents, a jack of all trades, one day he could be spinning cd's of the latest and greatest rock music, the next he could be giving you more stamina and healing you away from the bright light at the end of the tunnel, or he could be gate guarding, warning away unwanted guests and hitting them with his stick if needs be.
He has a heart of gold and it is a pleasure to be one of his best friends, coz without him being there for me, god knows where i would be!
So come on down and see the show when Ron is a bit drunk and eating random peoples hair, or skipping down the street with pure bouncyness.
Actually i think bouncy is a perfect description of Ron, because he always has a spring in his step, no matter what.
- Skruff, 2007

I am me, I am an image of me projected into your mind by my perception of me, making your perception of me the image of me i want you to see. My image of me is what i am, the image of me you see is me, but also not me, just a perception of an image of me percieved by you and your image of you. Your image of you is my perception of you portrayed by you and projected by you in replication of your own image of you. So i am what your you see's of my me.

My Interests

Music, Anime, Roleplay, larp, Mmmorpgs, Computers, Driving around, Drinking, Doing Stuff. I'm open minded.....

I'd like to meet:

Whitney Stevens, Anna Faris, Heather Graham or Sarah Chalke. Maybe all of them, Naked, In a pool of lemon jelly.... that'd be pretty sweet!


powered by


Serenity, Conan The barbarian, Sliding Doors, Lord of The Rings (1,2,3), Scary Movie (1,2,3), Signs, Boondock Saints, Ninja Scroll, Swordfish, Kung Pow, Police Academy, Naked Gun, Aliens, Equilibrium, Xmen (1,2,3), Spiderman (1,2)


Armitage III
El hazzard
Eat Man
Martian Succesor Nadesico
Oh My Godess
Rune Soldier
ANGEL! (Except season 5)


Wheel Of Time (Robert Jordan), Drenai Saga (David Gemmell), Riftwar Saga (Raymond E Feist), Forgotten realms books (Salvatore mainly). I only ever read fantasy books, not particualrly narrow minded, just enjoy them.


Spiderman, Mad Martigan (Willow), The Guy from Sliding Doors, Conan (Crommmm!), Captain Mal Reynolds (Of Serenity/Firefly), Eddie Izzard.

My Blog

Mosh - 30th May 2007 - Top Floor

10pm Celldweller - Stay With Me (Unlikely)Afi - Leaving Song Part2Alice In chains - WouldClutch - 1000110101Nirvana - Scentless ApprenticeArnocorps - PredatorThe Haunted - 99Daath - SubterfugeEverytim...
Posted by Deadvision on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 05:22:00 PST

Play More Metal!

I love the complaints I hear about my DJing, Mainly 'It's too emo and not enough metal!' (I'm sure theres several truckloads of Emo fans who would totally disagree with this). Sad thing is, these comm...
Posted by Deadvision on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 05:07:00 PST

-x Girly Application Form (Still accepting Offers) x-

Girls feel free to fill in the form, I may choose one of you to be my princess, Or I may instead just throw lots of money at you.... Let rip :DWhats your Name:Age:Birthday:Location:Sexual Preference:H...
Posted by Deadvision on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST