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I am here for Friends

About Me

..This profile was edited with Edit Your MySpace
Cat here! There aint alot I can say! I used to go to SEEVIC college in Benfleet, but all that learning, combined with being stuck in a room being told wot to do? oh please...gettin too old for that! Im 20, tallish an love my music! Although I dont even attempt to make my own music an i cant sing by any stretch of the imagination, i love singing badly whilst im out an about on viewings for work or when im doin the odd household chore!!I love driving my new little car....C'MON! And it is a legend......can a car be a legend? YES!!!I found myself workin in debenhams in basildon since leaving SEEVIC and to be sucked BIG time, my mates there were fantastic tho an i loved them to pieces...screw alan tho...wot i retard (how immature of me?) but i had to leave an become...AN ESTATE AGENT which is good at times an bad at times...but the guys are great an have a GSOH!I also like hanging with my mates. We find the silliest things funny and thats great! Never do i go out without havin tears of laughter in me eyes! Can I just add I got a real sick sense of humour...but who hasnt these days?? Apart from all this, i spend alot of tym alseep...I like to sleep...who wldnt..its comfortable an peaceful an no1 can bug you unless you get nightmares!The best thing is my little nephew "jay" he's so cute and is spoilt rotton by myself!!xxx

My Interests

My job is my main priority...yes yes sad aint it? But it was the best thing I'd done in ages and I feel good about wot im doing! Being out and about with my friends and where ever my car decides 2 take us alot of the time! DRIVING....the doors have opened!!Do like my films, my mobile......i could not live without! After all, it is the network of communication these days ryt??

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I'd like to meet:

The england rugby team OF COURSE!!! Phoar! :)


Varied!! If I hear it and i like it.......well, thats all the you need 2 know! I listening to my euphoric dance albums in me car an some random TUNES that Sam copied for me...shes such a chav ya know! I gotta admit to the occasional love song! But who can resist a good old ballad??


Dirty Dancing, and did u ever see 9 1/2 weeks? blimy, theres no story line! just rumpy pumpy! Oh and pretty woman...sorry, chic flick ALL THE WAY


Hollyoaks and F.R.I.E.N.D.S!!!!


Currently reading Charolotte Church's book, really good down to earth read for lunch breaks


Annie Lennox.....Legend, she's been there, lived it and the best part is.....she wrote songs about it!

My Blog

Probation PASSED!!!

Am feeling fantastic!  After 6months of earning rubbishy trainee pay...I have FINALLY passed probation and can officially be called an "Estate Agent"  Yes, from now on I will actually earn f...
Posted by Cat on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 03:20:00 PST

odd week!

This week as passed so fast! Last week, was a rollercoaster that needed pushing but its slowed down to go to work later on, come home, cook my own dinner, an watch wife swap USA, wow, the l...
Posted by Cat on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Its bank holiday monday and its gone so fast! Back 2 college 2mora and I gotta say pointillism is not a word i wana hear AGAIN! Awkward weekend really. My quote 4 2day is "you never know how much you...
Posted by Cat on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i aint here

Im wanted! leave me outta this! PLEASE! xxxxxx
Posted by Cat on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Way it has to be

Sometimes, a song can say it all, sometimes a story can be yours, but sometimes a text can make your day, or even the way someone smiles, wotever it is, Im hoping everything DOES NOT kak up this time!...
Posted by Cat on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Why are men so........annoying! they never know what they r doin!
Posted by Cat on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST