+angeLica nery feLipe [anje,je,jackie,jaq]
+apriL 26 [Less than a week away,d0n't f0rget my gift!!;]
+deym,i'm aLm0st 14
+A 0f Lahkmeh [(L)adrieLle, (H)micHael, (K)Kat, (M)Marj, (E)bEa, (H)kHenj]
+punyaki 0f the punyaks
+i L0ve 05 [eLeven05][f0rty_five]
+i L0ve G0d,my famiLy,Lahkmeh,punyaks,m0naquiqui's and kadatr0pag0
+i Like red,bLue&pink!!
+i hurt easiLy
+try t0 hurt my friends and y0u're dead
+i L0ve Life [i c0unt my bLessings]
+i Like music [i can reLate]
+i Like singing th0ugh the feeLing isn't mutuaL;]
+i aLways L0ok at the brighter side 0f things but s0metimes,seeing the "brighter" side L0ok s0 gL0omy brings me d0wn
+i'm secretLy an artist at heart [n0b0dy has ever seen my w0rks because i h0nestLy think they're n0t w0rth sh0wing]
+i trust easiLy [s0metimes it c0mes as a weakness]
+i'm sensitive yet n0 0ne can be m0re numb [0o,manhid ak0!!]
+i'm very sentimentaL yet i can be cynicaL
+i L0ve being carefree
+i f0LL0w my heart [and i usuaLLy get hurt when i d0 but i kn0w that 0nLy my heart kn0ws what wiLL make me happy]
+i may seem happy aLL day but i actuaLLy cry at night
+i stiLL c0nsider myseLf independent th0ugh 0ur driver f0LL0ws me everywhere i g0 and i can't g0 t0 pLaces with0ut permissi0n
+G0d created me and He never makes mistakes
+i have a sense 0f hum0r but i kn0w when i need t0 be seri0us
+i'm n0t aLways a g0od pers0n but s0me0ne taught me h0w t0 say s0rry
+i never pity myseLf beacause n0b0dy but me can make me rec0ver [seLf-pity wiLL never get me anywhere anyway]
+i can be happy with0ut a speciaL s0me0ne in my Life
+i d0n't change f0r any0ne,y0u have t0 Learn t0 accept me f0r wh0 i am
+i used t0 carry the weight 0f my pr0bLems 0n my sh0uLders
but i n0w kn0w h0w t0 Leave it aLL behind me because i Learned that taking it aLL at 0nce f0r a whiLe wiLL never Lessen the burden;]
+i Live my Life the "anje" way!!+i never beLieved that angeLs exist `tiLL that day i saw y0u+
+L0ve is the best teacher+~*| xinko |*~
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
senti.. ac0ustic.. R&B.. 0pm.. aLternative..
FULL HOUSE!!;] kapus0.. etc.. axn..
by the river piedra i sat d0wn and wept.. sweet vaLLey series.. esp. seni0r year..