50 Years ago in Little Rock |
50 years ago in little rock arkansas, 9 black kids dared to attempt to enroll at the all white high school downtown and the governor stoped them. three weeks later, with the support of federal troops ... Posted by Jesus Satan" on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 04:39:00 PST |
You Sick Fuck! |
you fat sick fuckhow dare you accept your obesity and still enjoy the pleasure of eating while society has chosen to condemn you and your lifestyle!You weak stupid bitch! Keep your shirt on! You are n... Posted by Jesus Satan" on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 10:07:00 PST |
Gay Republicans |
Republican Senator Larry Craig plead guilty after getting caught soliciting sex in a public restroom from another man.the same senator who has fought against gay marriage and equal rights for gays.wha... Posted by Jesus Satan" on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 02:20:00 PST |
the humiliation of rape |
the humiliation of rape rape is the ultimate humiliation.imagine someone so un-attractive and lacking social skills that they would need to force someone to have sex with them.that has to be humiliati... Posted by Jesus Satan" on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 05:40:00 PST |
VA Tech Massacure, thanks to Bush and American Gun Nuts |
it's like nothing was learned from columbine or the other odd 50 or so school shootings since then. instead of learning from it, and taking the logical step to control the more dangerous hand... Posted by Jesus Satan" on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 04:05:00 PST |
Duke Lacrosse players have Rape charges dropped, its Bonerific! |
Colin Finerty was so psyched he was cleared of charges that he raped a black stripper girl at a Duke Lacrosse party, that he got some chub at the press conference last thursday. .. Boner Time!... Posted by Jesus Satan" on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 05:07:00 PST |
Bong Hits For Jesus and Bush wants to shut your ass up |
ok, this court case goes back to 2002.In alaska, this kid thought it would be funny to hold up a sign that said "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" as the Olympic torch was carried past his High School. So he... Posted by Jesus Satan" on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 05:18:00 PST |
Until the day when medical science allows a childs genitals to be removed until they turn 18, I'm in favor of total sex education in school. I say teach the kids everything. they have a penis or vagin... Posted by Jesus Satan" on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 07:38:00 PST |
5 cents per letter, 1 cent per email |
I am sick and tired of being taken advantage of.I want 5 cents for every piece of mail delivered to my house and 1 cent for each email i recieve.
I am the one who has to throw out the junk mail, and p... Posted by Jesus Satan" on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 07:04:00 PST |
fuck chester benington in the ass with a rusty pitch fork |
ok, so chester benington (singer of linkin park) has this dumb psycho stalker chick who hacked his cell phone account and his pay pal account, then she called his playboy bunny wife and threaten... Posted by Jesus Satan" on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 05:41:00 PST |