Hotties with Aussie accents (lol), Gun Range, Sculpting, Drawing, Music that jiggles your nuts, Struggling with guitar, Blading, Snowboarding, billards (8 & 9 ball), Anime (Naruto 4 Life!), Water Skiing (been a long time), SuperSoaker battles with Anyone in a white shirt, Airsoft Guns, Perfecting my Forklift skills, Film/Cinamatography, Racing Go Karts, Yamaha R6, BEERRRR!, Fishing, Roman Architecture and Mythology, WWII German Panzers, C&C Generals, Rocking the Newbs at ParaParaDise, Summer swimming at nite, Euro Porn? (they have such nice boobs!), Learning "young military sword", spicy foods, Chasing down the ICE CREAM truck on Sat. mornings (fawking fast arab drivers!), SOME reality TV shows, Pedicure on Weds with Romie, Reading ( anything from novels to the back of cereal boxes), Entering raffle contests that i never win, Generally talking mad monkey shit and causing mayhem (unless im sleepy or hungry)
Listens to: Trance, Rock, Hip Hop, Punk, Some Pop, Some Metal, Some Classical... Prefers: Rock, as of right now.
Secondhand Lions, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Last Samurai, My Sassy Girl, Dawn of the Dead, Desparado, Paris Hilton's Video
Enders Game, The Giving Tree, Last of the Mohicans, Victorian/Gothic Erotic novels, Harry Potter, Biography of Admiral Yamamoto, Redwall Series, People's Xanga (lol)