Who has time for interests?
- Music - Knowledge - People - Smiles - Dedication - Philosophy - Conversation - Clothing - Late Nights -
Don't get me started
- Requiem for a Dream - Usual Suspects - Fight Club - Reservoir Dogs - Kill Bill 1 & 2 - Space Balls - any and all Kevin Smith Movies (Mallrats, Dogma, Chasing Amy, etc.) - A Mighty Wind - The Stewie Movie - Riki Oh: The Legend of Riki - Incredibles - etc.
- I'm a sucker for anything MTV - History Channel - Modern Marvels - MythBusters - Discovery Channel - Family Guy - eye3myDVR
All I have time for is text books.
- Vonnegut - Chuck P - "Guns, Germs, and Steel" - Dr. Seuss
- Underdog - Mighty Mouse - Hong Kong Phooey