Anthony Vanity
Hello there !
I'm Anthony Vanity
I guess I should
start this by saying that I am a real bitch and
I couldn't care less if you get offended by what I say or think.
My beliefs are none and I don't expect anybody to
be like me
or even to like me, just don't fill me up with your constant
bullshit and society values, I'm way over that.
I am, what I am and you just can't be like me .
I'm proud of my fucked up
life and anyone who trys to judge it will go down.
[that's how it works where I came from - Brazil ]
Not really proud of that piece of shit, but it's where I came from and I
accept it.
ACCEPTED, but didn't agree, that's why I moved to the biggest underground
crackhead playground on the planet [ New York City ].
I am a cocksucker and I don't expect every single
one of you to understand
or accept it. Just shutdafuckup and we'll be ok. Here is the thing,
I deal with your hetero self, and it wouldn't be so bad if you [at least] try
to deal with my faggoty ass, alright !?
It might sound funny, but I actually like people ,
until they get on my nerves.
[ everyone has their own perspective of beauty - find yours ! ]
Be PLASTIC | Be FAKE - If That's what you
really want to be !
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