love, music, music, love, which ever works, both at the same time,.. "Not a bad idea"
chirs cholmen, chad sexton, jose pasillas, abe cunningham, derico whatson, nissan stewart.mspobj type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal"
NO DOubt! Texas Block Boyz, Rage Against the machine, Deftones, INcubus, NOnpoint, 311, Dredge, Hundred Year storm, Drama for the masses, muse, radio head, Creed, (yeah, creed) Black crows, John mayer, and john mayer trio, aqualung, soulive, The Roots, Alanis morisette, Oasis, Oasis, P.O.D, erica Badue, prince, Rx bandits, FIve Foot FIve, Down right dead, Chauffer, Vynal Dharma, Ambilina, Fall out boy, Thrice, Kirk Franklin, Marry Allesi, sublime, snoop dog, OUtkast, N E thing produced by timberland... so that means, allia, Timberland and magoo, Justin timberlake, and so many more, plus busta ryhmes, todies, primus, alright, tool and aperfect cirlce's pretty cool, xept all the jesus, and god dissing stuff, psssshhh dragon force!, dead prez, Beasty BOys, that dude who wrote bubbly toes.... pax-217, stone temple pilots, eagles, not kiss though, i didn't wanna rock and roll all night, and party every day,........ emery, Marsvolta, weezer,lot more...
kick boxer, hard to kill, hard target, only the strong, finding nemo. turminator,
chapelle show. over haulin, modern marvles, fight club!
bilbo's hobbit storie. Huck fin. BIble, killing yourself to live, beowolf
my pop, VICTOR Manuel ORTEGA! turtle dance
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