Charlie profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I'm the greatest dawg in the world. I enjoy eating (my food, your food, food on the floor, food that has been hidden under furniture for days, yo momma's food). Chicken is my favourite. I do love chews though. I would say eating and anything to do with food pretty much takes over my life.

However, I do have other interests. You must scratch my ass. When I greet you, I will move my ass towards you to make sure you understand this. I will wag my tail like there is no tomorrow if you do this.

I love new people. That is possibly the most exciting thing. I'll always bring you something to show I'm pleased to see you (normally a shoe or a remote, whatever is handy) and I'll jump up, lick you and then run in circles around you. My favourites are my owners obviously (they saved me dontcha know), but Tina, Caz, Tom, Simon and anyone that rings the doorbell have a very special place in my heart.

I love sniffing. And peeing.

My favourite place in the world is Anna's bed. I cover it in dog hair and eat chews on it, but I mostly spend my time sleeping on it. I like to have the entire double bed to myself so I sleep diagonally. I'm quite the wuss though. I'm scared of the dark, fireworks, outside in general, loud bangs and hot air balloons. I have no problem with trains speeding past me though. I get sad when people leave the house.

My favourite places in the world are Sydney Gardens in Bath, 'The Cottage' in Chuddleigh, Devon and once again, Anna's bed. Oh, I also love nothing more than going to the seaside, namely Teighmouth and going for a good swim, play (love chasing those balls) and generally sniffing other dogs.

Even if you don't like me at first, you will learn to love me, as everyone succumbs in the end. It's my natural charm and the fact I love you regardless. I am the best person to hug when you're feeling down and I'm a great listener.

My younger years were hard, I was abandoned and left for dead in Wales, but saved, fed and loved lots in Bath. I had many issues such as jumping over the garden wall, not being able to be shut in, snapping and generally casing chaos wherever I went. Mind you, that is the past and all has been forgiven. I now lead a very comfortable luxurious life and am such a happy bunny!

My Interests

sniffing. eating. peeing. sleeping.


I like the sound of the car coming down the hill, the door opening and someone I love walking in. I also love the sound of food being opened. The doorbell. Dad's singing. When people say 'WALKIES'.


Homeward Bound. Lassie. Little Nicky


I tend to sit in front of the fire on the carpet when the TV is on and I end up falling asleep so I don't really watch much.


"10 Ways To Improve Your Doggy Self And Not Be Ashamed!" by R.C. McWoofer