THEE SATANS profile picture


4 losers 3 chords 2 confused 1 hell of band...

About Me

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A short biographic presentation of the group known as: THE SATANS A.K.A RAVIN´ RAGNAR & HIS APOSTLES We´ve been playing together as The Satans since 1999.We started up as your casual Hey-let´s-get-drunk-and-record-some-great-garage-tunes-band , but we soon evolved to something else... We only got together and rehearsed once a month, and we still do! Most of the members have played together in different constellations since the mid 80´s and onward. I decided to put together a new band when I (Ragnar) moved back to Örebro from Stockholm 1997. Me, Matti & Niklas are old members from the groups Hoggs & Spades that we used to play in earlier, so they (Matti & Niklas) were the obvious choice to form a band with. Michael, Niklas & Ragnar used to be in a group called The Insects where we were just fooling around doing odd R´n´B numbers for ourselves in the basement. Sometimes (when he got some spare time) Mathias plays the organ with The Satans. He used to be the singer/guitarist of The Strollers, and we have known him since he was kid. A long time ago we were his influence, now it is more like the other way around! So we asked him if he could play the organ with us! We invited him to join us when we recorded our second 45, and he was between groups at the time so he was cool about it! Nowadays he´s singing/playing in our friend Jens Lindbergs band The Maharajas, Jens and Ragnar used to play together in Blind Shags, Hyman of Tongues, Freinds, & the first line-up of Maggots.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/17/2005
Band Website: No, not really...
Band Members: Odd-fellow-Matti on drums & backup vocalS:t Michael on fender bass guitarWild-man-Niklas on Hofner guitar & leadvocalRavin´Ragnar on Phantom & Danelectro guitar & leadvocalMathias on cheaporgan & backup vocal when he´s not on vacation or busy with his other stuff!
Influences: Friends (from Hökarängen) & Tamrons...
Sounds Like:HELL...
Record Label: Zorch Production & Loser Records
Type of Label: None

My Blog

We ain´t dead yet (so don´t send us any flowers).

Just because you don..t hear anything from us does not mean that dead....We just goning thru some blood tranfusion and some other stuff... But just to prove that still alive uploa...
Posted by THEE SATANS on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 07:59:00 PST


We have now uploaded two rawing garage songs/Thee Satans
Posted by THEE SATANS on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 01:09:00 PST

To all our fans...

Real soon we are gonna upload two new/old songs that we just recorded the 4-5 of april with sound genius M.P.M.... So stay alert & keep you ears open! /TheeSatans
Posted by THEE SATANS on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 06:47:00 PST

The most fiendish instrument of them all....

KAZOO the devils own choice! Forget about the nude fiddler sitting on a rock in the middle of the wild river, playing the devils own music for innocent young boys & girls! No it´s the KAZOO that ...
Posted by THEE SATANS on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 11:01:00 PST

Satans plays Cash music...

Satin 2007 09 26 Johnny Cash Tribute Night! Come and see Thee Satans play Cash music with there own musical touch! LUCIFER LOVES THEE SATANS!   ...
Posted by THEE SATANS on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 10:48:00 PST

New songs added soon...

Maybe to next week, we just gonna mix them first! Stay tuned......
Posted by THEE SATANS on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 11:51:00 PST

We´ve tried, tried, tried, tried again!

We have tried to change our old songs into a couple of new ones... But we have failed, It just wont work... So right now I´m hating this fucking internet-computer-myspace-crap... But tomorrow is anoth...
Posted by THEE SATANS on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 01:22:00 PST

3 new killers (no fillers)

Soon our new songs will be finished, well do a rough mix this week and just listen to it for some time and let it melt upon our tounges and let it explode in our brains while were drinking beer... Or ...
Posted by THEE SATANS on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 09:56:00 PST