RANNY HOMSOMBATHmy name is there, im turning 19 on feb 26th, i would put the full feb but to bad i dont know how to spell my own birthday month how smart can i be, lol im currently living in hamilton ontario, moving to north carolina soon time to get on with my life and make my flow and take care of my family, im takenn by this wonderful guy, well sometimes cuz he has problems but i love him rasit aklar since feb 19 2006, yes i know my one year is coming im very excit, he keeps me on my feet, he there for me when i need him, HA! : ) im half laos and khmer but white wash haha cuz i cant speak ne of those, i can but i guess im just shy you can yell at me in khmer and laos trust me i get what you saying, lol i dont want to describe myself cuz i got pictures up there for a reason, i got 2 percings on my ears, and a belly ring. got one tatoo which i dont like cuz its to small and i was young a dumb. lol but imma get a better one. currently unemployed and im loving it sometimes cuz the boyfriend can work, haha i love to shop of course the bf money ha jokes. i always have to get my nails done but latley i havent cuz *AHMEM* (rasit) wont bring me.. Of course i love my girls, they are everything to me. well not excatly everything to me cuz they do get on my nerves hehe i just kidding. but i love you girls. you know who you are. i hate backstabbers, whores, i dont kno who you are but have you look at yourself in the mirror yet. hehe im kidding haha im bored talkin about myself, how bout you take your time and tell me more about chuuuuuu : )my best friend (AHEM**) PAULINE HENGGG is something else, she a garbage pickerrr
My wiferr (blahh) TANYA SCHAFER haha is a walking virus : ) so much love and passion nott. shut up, haha