Tony profile picture


Its like when daddy hits mommy at the dinner table.

About Me

Hey guys. yeah i am a guy, but you probablly didnt need help with that one. i love the Dodgers, yet another obvious thing. i love skateboarding. the best invention ever was the half pipe. When im skating i can think clearly and it is truly a form of thearapy for me. i also love to snowboard, but hitting trees sucks. i also love to bodyboard, or "boogieboarding" as the less educated call it. I also love my frends. i attend chapman university and i absolutely love it. so yeah. what else about me do you really want to know? hit me up with a message if you wanna know something else, or if you just want to be my mood... width="425" height="350" ....

My Interests

Music, snowboarding, skateboarding, the dodgers, body boarding, working on "Broah's Arc", 4 wheelin, and then just hanging with the ususal gang of idiots.

I'd like to meet:

Sandy Kofax and Jose Lima


anything but new country will do. But if you really want to hear a good Ol' fashioned rock and roll band listen to either the rolling stones "Exile On Main Street" or Joe Cocker "Mad Dogs and Englishmen" both are classics and you should listen to them.


Feild Of Dreams, Best Of Show, Kingpin


Arrested Development, Any Dodger Game



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My Blog

Things everyone needs to know, so read it.

i am putting quite a bit of time and emotion into this blog. some of it is hard to write, but it is all true, and applies to college kids..,These are things that i have learned in my life. some of whi...
Posted by Tony on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 12:59:00 PST


1. Every one of your friends, including yourself, has a drinking problem. 2. You're pissed that you live in the 909 but your cell is 951, and so are your tattoos. 3. Everyone is in a band. 4. Statu...
Posted by Tony on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 09:51:00 PST

who knows where this one is gonna go

yeahhhhh..... i love writting these never really know where they are gonna go. where to start tonight. ohhh yeah there is this really funny website that has "chief runningbear" from Love...
Posted by Tony on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST