Bianca profile picture


A drunken mind speaks a sober heart.

About Me

I steer as far away from drama as possible. I hate stuck up people, half of them really have no reason to be. My family is number one in my life. I love being happy, which I am almost always. I love making the best of any and all situations. I just like having a good time where ever I may be.
Girly Myspace Layouts
Myspace For Girls Only - BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Do you wear any type of corrective lenses?: yup. I wear contacts
Who is the first person you see in the morning?: Jason
What do you see when you look out your window?: the golf course
Name one place you'd like to see that you haven't yet.: Spain
Would you rather see the sun shining or snow falling?: Sun
What is the ugliest article of clothing you've ever seen?: not too sure
Who makes your eyes light up when you see them?: my niece and newphew
Is there somewhere you've been that has a great view?: the country
How often do you see your family?: at least twice a week
What was the last movie you saw in the theater?: Spiderman 3
What was the last concert you went to?: Gary Allan
Name something around you that is red.: my headband
What color is your car?: blue
Who do you wish you could see more often?: my great grandparents
What is your favorite smell?: vanilla or apple crisp
What do you think is the worst smell in the world?: dead animals
Your favorite perfume/cologne to wear?: guess or just about anything from Bath and Body works
Do you like the smell of incense?: only some
What's your favorite candle scent?: Vanilla
What kind of soap/shower gel do you use?: vanilla coconut
Do you have an air freshener in your car?: nope
Can you handle the smell of a skunk?: yea but who wants to?
Does second-hand smoke bother you?: sometimes not too much though
Do you crinkle your nose when you smell something that isn't pleasing?: yup
What food makes you hungry just by smelling it?: pizza
What can you smell right now?: air freshener
Can you smell it in the air when its about to rain?: yes and I love it
What would you say is the best sound in the world?: music
Do you listen to loud music when you drive?: yup
Do you enjoy peace and quiet?: I sure do
Do you like the loud sounds of the city or quietness of the country?: quietness of the country
Are you one of those people who can hear a pin drop?: nope
Do loud noises make you jump easily?: sometimes
What sound drives you nuts?: screeching, fork scraping a plate, and nails on a chalkboard
What kind of music do you enjoy the most?: country all the way
What can you hear right now?: cops on tv
Does you set your alarm to the buzzer or the music?: music
Would you rather be in a crowded & rowdy bar or a low-key one?: low-key
What's the greatest thing anyone has ever said to you?: how pleasant and beautiful I was
Sticks and stones may break your bones, but do words really hurt you?: not really only when im in a bad mood
When you hear another person crying, does it make you sad, too?: not soo much just sympathetic
Sweet or Sour?: sweet
Do you like spicy foods?: not too spicy
What's your favorite flavor of gum?: cinnamon
What do you normally eat for breakfast?: biscuits
Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate
The worst food ever?: seafood
Your favorite meal?: pizza or chicken fettuccine alfredo
Your favorite fruit?: strawberries and grapes
What's your favorite kind of soda?: coke
Chocolate Milk or Plain?: plain
Do you put pickles on your sandwiches?: nope
Ketchup or Mustard?: definitely ketchup
Ever been to a wine-tasting event?: nope
Pick your favorite flavor of Doritos.: cheese or spicy cheese
Are you ticklish?: oh yea
Where?: mainly my neck
What is the worst pain you've ever felt?: cramps
Are you afraid of needles?: nope
Who was the last person who gave you a hug?: Jason
Who is the last person you held hands with?: Jason
What was your last injury?: my wrist being cut in a car accident
Have you ever dropped something heavy on your toe?: not that I can recall
When you fall off something, do you keep trying or give up?: keep trying
Does pain scare you?: not really
What feeling makes you most comfortable?: happiness
Do you like the feeling of walking barefoot on the beach?: yea
Do you normally wear shoes in the summer?: flip-flops
Do you like water/swimming?: yup
Do you get paranoid in the dark?: yes! I am very afraid of the dark
Is there a superstition that you really believe?: nope
Are you religious?: used to be but I do believe in God
Who/what do you need next to you to fall asleep at night?: I need the tv on and something to cuddle with aka Jason
Do you have a short fuse?: nope
When you're angry, do you hold it all inside?: oh yea...and then when I can't hold it out!
How do you deal with confrontation?: not very well...I don't like it
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?: I sure do
Do you tend to trust people easily?: nope
Are you pessimistic or optimistic?: I think a little of both
Do you worry too much?: yup
Do you daydream a lot?: sometimes yea
What was your last dream about?: dont remember
Are your dreams usually good or bad?: good
Who can make you smile no matter what?: my sisters
Who was the last person to hurt your feelings?: Jason
What do you feel is your strongest emotion?: happy
What was the last thing that happened that upset you?: i dont remember
What is the worst feeling in the world?: heartache
Are you happy with where your life is at right now?: I sure am...but as soon as I finish school I'll be even happier
What do you do when people lie to you?: get mad and if they dont really matter to me then I drop them out of my life
What emotion describes you best: Anger, Happiness, Sadness, or Confusion?: Happiness
Are you in love?: close
What was the greatest day of your life?: finally getting what I wanted
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My Interests

Anything that can keep me awake and interested!

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I'd like to meet:

Julia Roberts, she is an amazing actress! Tim McGraw, I absolutely love his music and he's really good looking! Oh yea and Mr.Sexyback himself, Justin Timberlake...I just need a few minutes of his time! LOL!
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Pretty much just country and some oldies.

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Your Love Number is 9
You are a peaceful person, and you tend to have calm, stable relationships.
Connecting deeply is another skill of yours, and you tend to know lovers well.
Trusting and laid back, you are an easy person to love.
Love can be a little blinding for you, so open your eyes a little more! What Is Your Love Number?


Your Seduction Style: Au Natural
You rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it.
That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power!
The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism.

You're the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world.
Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in.
You find joy in everything - so is it any surprise that people find joy in you?

You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways.
Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you.
As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you. What Kind of Seducer Are You?
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This is my love Harley!
Girly Myspace Layouts


This is crazy Zoey!