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John Boy

About Me

John's true inexperience shows...
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Your Seduction Style: Sex Pot
Tradionally known as a "siren", "rake", or "femme fatale." You exude sensuality. And while your sexiness is part of what makes you an incredible seducer... Your ability to make others feel sexy is what really makes your seduction skills shine.Most people don't feel attractive or desired enough - a need which you tap into. You have the ultimate sex appeal, and getting attention from you is a total self esteem boost. Your confidence is contagious, and you help others unleash their own sexuality.Your sex pot seduction skills are so intoxicating that you can get away with... well, almost murder. Lovers feel like your sensuality is in your blood, so it's only natural if you flirt a little. And if you stray, that might be okay as well - as long as you make your lover still feel hot. What Kind of Seducer Are You?In a lot of ways I'm lucky, i guess it just matter how you look at it. I have great friends that will have an effect on my life forever. Rachel is one of the nicest and coolest girls i've ever met. Im glad to know her. Lemke is a pretty damn cool dude, but he doesnt have a myspace so thats not good. I like swimming and am getting really pumped about it. has the coolest Layouts for Myspace

My Interests

getting winks, getting hugs, Swimming, Eating, sleeping, Doing stuff with buds, hanging out, having fun, writing, people watching, swim meets, getting numbers, getting winks, waving at people during swim meets, getting hugs, getting winks, getting hugs, and winks and a lot of other stuff.

I'd like to meet:

nice people


I like a lot of stuff but cant stand religious or country. It kinda stinks living in texas with a preference like that. Religious and country are far to prevalent here. I bet they have religious country though i doubt i could stand the agony of looking for it just out of curiosity's sake. I prefer rock, rap, and classic rock though. Techno is also a possibility depending on the talent. Though classics (regardless of genre [excluding religious and country]) are almost always enjoyable. Music that pumps me up is also great, i like getting crunk.


Back door sluts 6, Fuck my ass 4 are the best (sarcasm). Comedy, Thrillers, Violence, sex scenes are all cool. But comedies with thrills, violence, and sex scenes are one of a kind. They need to make more of those. I'm trying to think of a title of a movie like that but my mind remains vacant. Maybe i have only experienced Movies like that in my most beautiful dreams.


I don't watch television that much. when i do i like watching boxing and UFC. Watching music video's is also not that bad. Americas funniest home videos and things that make me laugh are good too. Cops used to be one of my favorites but you can only laugh at losers so many times before its starts getting boring.


Fight club, I hope they serve beer in hell, The old man and the sea, watership down, hank the cowdog, the bearnstein bears, books with twists and violence mainly. but if a book so happens to have both, then it is classified a masterpiece in the library of john.


ferric and stafford. ferric for watching his plumbers crack hanging out during flip turns and stafford for his all bark, no bite retardation. I miss them both and wish they would both come back and visit.though with the way they were treated i doubt they will...

My Blog

My second college essay (about friends and swimmers)

Growing up in the small town of Montgomery where everything is laid-back and simple I learned many things. The stereotypical small Texas town offered few things to do for personal enjoyment so one was...
Posted by John Boy on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 06:10:00 PST

College essay about my father.

It was always easy to talk to him about personal things. No one else was like that, no one else seemed as open and helpful about what I found important. I am the luckiest person alive to have my dad i...
Posted by John Boy on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 03:19:00 PST