jacqui profile picture


kiss my Assen!

About Me

am 32, going on 22...am in need of an adventure, and planning on getting out of town ALWAYS...am co-founder of an all girl drinking and trouble-making team called 'the champs'. if you see a girl with one of our pins on, watch out!! i also just quit my job- in order to tour around on my super amazing 1972 bmw! it's the coolest bike, seriously. got a place for me to stay? or something super rad to see in your town?!? let me know! also looking for people to ride with- employment is for suckers! ...nov/05 :just met 'evel knievel' in chicago- and let him sign my boob! get awesome! NEXT UP: JUST RETURNED FROM 'BARBER VINTAGE DAYS' seriously, incredible, rainy sunburned, meeting some of my AHRMA racing heroes, watching friends kick ass on 30 year old machines- amazing!! hope to see ya @ Mods Vs. Rockers, Chicago- june 17th, noon to 10 pm at Delilahs, 10 to 3am at Liars Club! see tonupchicago.com for details....MVR ROCKED!400 bikes and scooters, hot as fuck! next:MY FAVORITE; MID-OHIO VINTAGE DAYS!last weekend of july...sheer nuttiness!racing, raining, and wrecking yourself! yowza! http://photobucket.com/albums/a81/jvanham/bikes%20boobs%20be er/ bikes boobs beer photo album - Photobucket.com I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

motorcycles (tonupchicago.com ), stoli, traveling, tattoos, art, photography, cooking, SHOES, anything dutch, red wine, laughing, talking shit, chicago, kissing (etc.)... reading anything i can get my hands on, lush, h&m, mac, my friends, did i mention cocktails, sometimes boys get my interest.. and as usual- am looking for employment! again. my good friends know how much they mean to me- but, only because I have one too many cocktails- and cry and tell them! sheesh- sappy drunk!..

I'd like to meet:

mechanics, sugardaddies/ someone who will buy me a beer!, hotel/spa owners, someone looking to sell a vintage bike to me for cheap, a free haircut, a travel agent, a vitner in germany/alsace, a personal trainer, a cleaning lady (or man, whateves) chefs, sommeliers, mr. right...---------oh, and this week's top 8 are some of my favorite motorcycle superstar buddies! cheers!


iron and wine, the postal service, calexico, heart, the twilight singers, the desert sessions, sam cooke, air, wilco, electric six, the rapture, guns n' roses, otis redding, the flaming lips, iggy pop, mc5, kings of convenience, the pixies, tortoise, the sea and cake, interpol, hot hot heat, the jam, jawbreaker, naked raygun, flogging molly, the beer nuts, pj harvey, the damned, pat benatar, 80's new wave....


magnolia, run ronnie run, the royal tennenbaums, best in show, happiness, punch drunk love, big fish, , bowling for columbine


curb, pbs, the daily show, kitchen confidential, food network, THE FAMILY GUY, simpsons,