sHe kEeP iT g0iN oN gOtTa lOvE tHaTtt* profile picture

sHe kEeP iT g0iN oN gOtTa lOvE tHaTtt*


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wHaTt uP iM bRiTt/bRiTtAnY
iM fRoM mAsSaPeQuA / pLaiNeDgE
i hAvE brOwN hAiR wiT blOnDe hiGhliGhtS
im 5 fOoT 1 * yEaH iM sHoRtt =)
i lOvE gOiN oUt tO cLuBs/bArS/pArtiEs
mY biRthDaY iS 4.20 (iM aN aRiEs)
i sMoKe && dRiNk aLmOsT eVeRyDaY
iM aDdiCtEd tO rEdBuLL iTs mY liFe *
iM siNgLe =) && i fUcKiN lOvE iTtttt
i lOvE mY fRieNdS tO dEaTh [tHeRe cRaZy]
i liKe liStEniN tO mUsiC && sLeEpiNg
yOu wOnT cAtCh mE aWaKe bEfOrE 1PM
iM tOlD iM cRaZy aTlEaSt oNcE a dAy
iM dOwN fOr dOiNg aBsOlUtEly aNyThiNg
iM gEtTiN mY tOnGuE piErCeD sOoN =)
i uSuALLy gEt mY nAiLs dOnE a lOtt
iM oBsEsSeD wiTh gOinG tAnNiN && lAyiN oUt
hAtE biTcHeS _ lOvE miNe tHoO *
iM oBsEsSeD wiTh mAtChiN mY oUtfiTs
fOr sChOoL iM a bUm rOcKiN sWeAtS EVERYDAY
i hAtE dRaMa && biTcHeS wHo tAlK sHiTt
i dOnT liKe giRlS mOsT oF mY fRiEnDs aRe gUyS
biTcHeS cALL mY pHoNe oN a rEgulAr
jUsT tO heAr mY voiCe [uKwUr] lMfAo
lOvE jUsT cHiLLeN && hAViN fUnn
mOnEy=aMaZiNg. yEaH iM aN eXpEnSiVe biTcHh
yOuLL pRoB fiNd mE sHoPpiN mOsT oF tHe tiMe
i lOvE gOiNg iN jAcUzZiS @ niGhTt
mY wEaKnEsS iS gEtTiN kiSsEd oN mY nEcK =)
i sHoP aT aBeRcRoMbiE && hOliStEr uSuALLy
i lOvE gOiNg tO nEw yOrK ciTy
bEeRpOnG iS tHe oNlY sPoRt i plAy
i WAS a cHeErLeAdEr && oN tRaCk bUt nOt aNyMoRe
iF yOu THINK yOuR hOt cHaNcEs aRe yOuR hiDeOuS
jEaLoUs iS a hOrRiBlE diSeAsE [gEt wELL sOoN biTcH]
iF yOu sAy yOuR tOuGh fAcE iT yOuR a pUsSy *
giRlS wHo aRe sLuTs sHoUlD bE pUt iN tHeRe pLaCe
sChOoL sHoUlDnT eXiSt [wE sHoUlD aLL bE bOrN sMaRt]
nO gUy cAn eVeR pLaY mE bEcAuSe aNyThiNg tHeRe gUnNa
tRy && pULL cHaNcEs aRe iVe dOnE iT && gOt aWaY wiT iT
gUyS wHo cOnTrOl tHeRe giRlfRiENds aRe vErY jEaLoUs
iF yOuR 50 yEaRs oLd i dOnT wAnT tO tAlk tO yOu hAHa
&& tHaTs aBoUt iTtttt brittany taylor --

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Rip Chris Walsh <3 Gone But Never Forgotten

They say the good die young thats why I think you should have fun when your young cuz time won't wait for no one. When god calls its time to go home. Chris Walsh RIP 05.03.87 - 09.02.06 =( Chris you w...
Posted by sHe kEeP iT g0iN oN gOtTa lOvE tHaTtt* on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 11:55:00 PST