Ngoc profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

When the going get tough, I just boost!
I like to keep it simple and it's all good. Chillin' and rockin' with my Ngoc out is what I do and boy, I'm damn good at that! I enjoy kickin' with my peeps and folks whenever, wherever.
That's just me and that's all I can be.

My Interests

Making new friends, meeting old friends, chilling with my friends, basketball/football - I don't even play sports much anymore bc I'm fat :), shootin pool, bowling, 24hr fitness, working on cars...clubbing, occassionaly drinking

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet a pretty lady but she's already mine... Forever and ever.

You can't spell "Bee" without the "Bay."


Anything that makes me rock from side to side...


Butterfly Effect, Friday, Matrix and Lord of the Ring series, Bruce Almighty, You Got Served, Honey, Resident Evil Apocalpse, Hitch


BET, MTV, Food Channels, in other words ANYTHING interesting..


I am illiterate so no favorite books, although i do skim through Import Tuners and Honda Tuning magazines and occassionally my sister's Victoria Secrets magazines...


Oh, I don't have one... But if I did, his car would have to be faster than mine. :P