pc games|WoW|going to movies|and listening to music|cars|working out|being healthy|astronomy|space exploration|science|travel|high speed photography|fishing|slurpies|fireworks|jawbreakers|power tools|sunflower seeds
a ..
i mostly like hard hardcore and clasical|throwdown|evergreen terrace|atreyu|emery|underoath|kilswitch engage|across five aprils|oleander|nora|system of a down|lost prophets|powerman 5000|billy talent|less than jake|the ataris|sworn enemy|erik satie|shostakovich|jem|and prolly more...
any movie where stuff blows up, or there is a big master plan
video games are better than tv|discovery and history channel are awesome|desperate housewives|greys anatomy|24
Brief History of Time|The Universe in a Nutshell|Hyperspace|Visions|The Origin Of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind