Mattmanâ„¢ profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Removed the long survey about myself. The way I figure, if you want to know in depth things about me, just ask. I'm a pretty simple feller! I go to Karate class. I play video games. I go to church. I 'go with the flow' of life, and try to never get upset. I'm married to a wonderful woman. I went bald on the top of my head at 24, God knows why. Maybe I'm just taller than my hair. That or I must've made fun of bald people or something. I have a loving family, and a job I enjoy.
So the other night I was bored, and made some myspace images to display my main interests (and the unlisted interest of image creation/editing and macromedia flash). Here they are-

I have more stuff to come in this section...

My Interests

adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

I'd love to be reunited with some old friends. I'd also like to meet some of these guys I play .. games with. They sound like they'd be some funny people to hang out with. Most of all though, I'd like to meet the man who delivered me from my sins.
You have been marked on my profile map!

Music player~


I generally like any and all music thats able to 'move' me. I admire talent, and flow, as well as composure. A good beat or a good lyric, and it usually varies from song to song. I do try and steer clear of negative or depressing songs if I can. They say Music doesn't control people, but I'm a firm believer that music does have the power to inspire people. To do good or evil...


I like to watch movies when the weather is aggrivating. Sometimes when it's a movie I've been anticipating. I like to watch horror, sci-fi, comedy, action/adventure, and pyschological thrillers. If it's got good graphics, it still better have an impressive storyline. Story is everything to me, no story, no interest.


I avoid Television mostly. When I do watch TV, it's usually a comedy. Internet TV isn't so bad though. The crazy stuff you find .. is great!..
I love this commercial- ..


I like my books revolved in fantasty. Real life stuff bores me, unless it's something inspiring. I read Dean Koontz, some Stephen King, and recently, I'm taken on my fiance's fantasy books like Eragon.



I have many Heros. A hero to me, is someone who gives you inspiration. Someone you can look up to and someone you aspire to be like. Mine. My mother, for her kindness and understanding (which also applies to my fiance'). Vash the Stampede, although an anime character, has a heart of gold. Then there is Jesus himself. If everyone exhibited such good unto others, the world would be without sufforing of any kind.

My Blog

Appear stoic in hurt, but actually fragile

Everytime she is hateful with me, all the light that I hold dear gets sucked out of my world. I'm returned to the darkness from where I came, where she braught me from. My heart feels icy cold, and I ...
Posted by Mattman" on Wed, 07 May 2008 09:51:00 PST

Hunter PVP nerfs

Posted by Mattman" on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 08:39:00 PST

April Fools Joke

I just got finished uploading this rather embarrassing video of my lovely wife Heather on youtube as an April Fools joke on her. Before it gets removed for violating the terms of use (it’s a bit...
Posted by Mattman" on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 09:02:00 PST

One of those days...

I feel like I’m going to break. This mental and emotional stress will probably kill me before any gun will. My head’s so scrambled right now that I can’t think. My heart is so .... J...
Posted by Mattman" on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 08:54:00 PST

New Motherboard for Heather

Heather's computer motherboard (rather, my old one) just took a crap... so, you can't upgrade it... cause if you did, you'd have to upgrade everything and might as well buy a new computer...   ...
Posted by Mattman" on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 11:17:00 PST

Top 10 shameless ways to get 5000g

I should note that only WoW players will get this-Note: This is all a joke, not to be taken seriously...Top 10 most shameless ways to raise the ridiculous 5000g required for epic flight. (I was thinki...
Posted by Mattman" on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 10:31:00 PST

To drive, or not to drive...

That is the question! The answer... according to the police... I'M AN UNSAFE DRIVER!So my choice is, attend traffic school and keep my license until I get pulled over again, or don't, and just lose it...
Posted by Mattman" on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 07:07:00 PST

Officer Betterthanyou

Cop:"License and regestration"Me:"Yes, sir"I present them ...Cop:"The reason we've pulled you over Mr. Baker is because you were doing 13 over the speed limit."Me:"Okay..." (Cause I was watching the n...
Posted by Mattman" on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 07:23:00 PST

Big brother

There comes a time when you hear prophaganda and wonder how true it could be. Is it all hear-say or is there some truth to it? Are these things an oversight or are they deliberate. The most we can do ...
Posted by Mattman" on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 07:58:00 PST

Its just like a MINI MALL!

Watch these in order (Well, you don't have to sit through the whole thing, but still...)Original Video Commercial- New 'Bluescreen'- What someone did with it- LMAO I love th...
Posted by Mattman" on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 10:10:00 PST