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I'd love to be reunited with some old friends. I'd also like to meet some of these guys I play .. games with. They sound like they'd be some funny people to hang out with. Most of all though, I'd like to meet the man who delivered me from my sins.
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Music player~
I generally like any and all music thats able to 'move' me. I admire talent, and flow, as well as composure. A good beat or a good lyric, and it usually varies from song to song. I do try and steer clear of negative or depressing songs if I can. They say Music doesn't control people, but I'm a firm believer that music does have the power to inspire people. To do good or evil...
I like to watch movies when the weather is aggrivating. Sometimes when it's a movie I've been anticipating. I like to watch horror, sci-fi, comedy, action/adventure, and pyschological thrillers. If it's got good graphics, it still better have an impressive storyline. Story is everything to me, no story, no interest.
I avoid Television mostly. When I do watch TV, it's usually a comedy. Internet TV isn't so bad though. The crazy stuff you find .. is great!..
I love this commercial-
I like my books revolved in fantasty. Real life stuff bores me, unless it's something inspiring. I read Dean Koontz, some Stephen King, and recently, I'm taken on my fiance's fantasy books like Eragon.
I have many Heros. A hero to me, is someone who gives you inspiration. Someone you can look up to and someone you aspire to be like. Mine. My mother, for her kindness and understanding (which also applies to my fiance'). Vash the Stampede, although an anime character, has a heart of gold. Then there is Jesus himself. If everyone exhibited such good unto others, the world would be without sufforing of any kind.