♥Mandi♥ profile picture


Live your life how you want; who cares what others think! p style=margin-top: 0; margin-

About Me

♥♥Hi. My name is Mandi. I am 28 years ♥ld. I am happily married t♥ my high sch♥♥l sweetheart, Kyle. We have five children; Asht♥n 11, Dayt♥n 9, K♥lt♥n 6, Jesilyn 5, and Kailyn 2 years. We have ♥nly been married f♥r 3 years, but we have been t♥gether f♥r 13 years. I am currently attending Danville Area C♥mmunity C♥llege in h♥pes ♥f receiving my Registered Nursing Degree. I am empl♥yed as a Certified Nursing Assistant at a nearby h♥spital, where I have w♥rked f♥r 4 years n♥w.
Myspace Glitter Graphics

♥My True Love♥


My Interests

♥My Family♥*I enj♥y spending quality time with my husband, my children (because they gr♥w s♥ fast), and my friends. I enj♥y watching my children play sp♥rts. They play basketball, baseball, and f♥♥tball. It is great t♥ see my l♥ve f♥r athletics within them. I enj♥y my vacati♥ning t♥ Miss♥uri in ♥rder t♥ spend time with my family. I enj♥y c♥ntinuing ♥n with my educati♥n (I never th♥ught I w♥uld ever say that I enj♥yed sch♥♥l) in ♥rder t♥ make my dreams c♥me true. I enj♥y spending time with my husbands' sisters--Megan J♥ and Miranda and his w♥nderful step-m♥m--Gina. I enj♥y my life even thr♥ugh the hard times. I enj♥y watching Da Chicag♥ Bears Kick S♥me A**
♥My Princesses♥
♥My Gansta Boys♥

I'd like to meet:

♥Reunite with ♥ld friends and make new friends♥


*I used t♥ listen t♥ c♥untry ♥nly, but thanks t♥ my husband I listen t♥ all kinds.


*My husband and I ♥wn ♥ver 400 DVDs--s♥ y♥u ch♥♥se*


*I enj♥y watching Lifetime's Army Wives, NFL & Da Chicag♥ Bears, American Id♥l, Deal ♥r N♥ Deal, ER, Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader, A Moment Of Truth, and House*





♥Our Gansta Angel♥♥ My her♥ is my br♥ther, Jesse. He passed away in March ♥f 2002. He is my her♥ because even th♥ugh his heart was failing, he never failed t♥ sh♥w his l♥ve t♥ his family and friends.♥ ♥ We Miss Y♥u, Jesse ♥
♥Our Angel In Heaven♥img src="http://lc.fdots.com/cc/lc/86/8668b1cbe57d4634cb8d785148 bf499f.jpg" border="0"

My Blog

In Memory Of A Wonderful Woman

I have been thinking about heroes lately, how they seem to be increasingly in short supply, or their elevated status is misplaced at best. Can successful athletes be heroes/role models? Maybe once, bu...
Posted by ♥Mandi♥ on Mon, 19 May 2008 06:03:00 PST


I've been tagged! Here's how you play: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random, facts, habits or goals about yourself , at the end choose 10 (or more) people to be tag...
Posted by ♥Mandi♥ on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 09:26:00 PST