Shinetop, Jr profile picture

Shinetop, Jr

About Me

I grew up playing piano, and am now a musician in my spare time. I joined the Marines out of High School, came back home and have been working for the local cable company for the last 14 years. I have a deep admiration for all things Brazilian (especially the women - meu deus!!), as I have been there a couple of times with my family and loved every minute of it. I spend my weeknights in Martial Arts classes except Wednesday nights, when I am playing piano at BB's Lawnside BBQ. I am a Black Belt in Hapkido, and I am working to add Weapons to my repetoire. I have my own home that I work on when time permits, so I've become pretty good at remodeling. I like to cook almost as much as I like to go out to eat.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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Blues, Brazilian, Reggae, Classical, Bluegrass, Jazz - pretty much everything.


Any Kung-fu (the cheesier the better), SuperTroopers, Austin Powers, Boondock Saints, just about everything.


Survivorman, Extreme Engineering, National Geographic Channel, King of Queens, Dirty Jobs, Reno 911, Future Weapons


Self-help: Nutrition, Training, Home Improvement, Meaning of Life --- Favorites: The Dragonlance Chronicles, Calvin & Hobbes