writer, actor, artist, all that jazz. Pretty good breakdancer, def. addicted to video games. Love to surf, though I'm not very good -- I can stand on my head though!!! "....balletz suk ass!" "Cardio on the dance floor, bitchez!!" "U AIN'T NUTIN BUT'A HOOUUNNDDD DOOGGG!!!""Eh punkass..u got any more quarters?.." "NYE 06...party on ol'braaa of mine!!""Takin Billy DOWN isn't as easy as it lookz..!!" "We all 3 hate the scene so much..were in it!!"
"...NYE 06 again....da only 2 peepz I'd wanna spend it with"
FINALLY finished Dir. my first Music Video, YOUTH IN ASIA by Dirty Sanchez. Go watch it..it'z doooppe!!! Jus click the foto, and then go 2 the media page...dduuhh!! :)Also check out my short film I shot/dir. It'z pretty dope,..well....I think it iz..!! :)
"Clock-Work Orange for Halloween...i know..eat me!!"
"Playing Santa for my Nephew..(Uncle, I know it's u...SHHH..quiet u lil'brat!!)...god I love this kid!!"
"Da great 3 of AZ!!"Cut all my curlz off and did sumthin Krazy,..no worries..it's almost all grown back out..thou..I liked it. That iz until all the fagz started ripping my style! (insert gun shotz)..kan't do ANYthing in dis town without having it duplicated !!""....he gave me herepez...!"
NIN, Bjork, RadioHead, Peaches, Felix Da Houscat, JJ Fad, Debbie Deb, Stacy Q, Mis Kitten, Kid-N-Play, Run DMC, Tribe Called Quest, all 80's Hip-Hop and some old school soul here and there. Nuttin cooler then Al Green, ya know,..!! I'm pretty sure in my former life,..I was a black women,....a big fat one!! :) "My Brother-N-Law....yea...were gonna be close!!" My B.F.F....who never winz...ever!! damn we'z prettiii!! "I think I'm allergic to AZ..!!""Jecca...doin our SPECIAL dance...!"
Scrooged, Death Becomes Her, Ghostbusters I-II, Talented Mr. Ripley, I dunno...a question like that can go on forever. Anything mean spirited and funny as hell. Not big on deep thinking, or mushy stuff. If I wanna feel like shit, then I'll just foucus on my own issues....shit,..see,..just typing it, has me getting all teary eyed,..fuck!! :("...Drunk + 2 a.m. + SilverLake = Garbage " "..when in doubt..grab ur crotch!!" "..i'm no carpet muncher...honest dude!!" "The milkz gone bad!!!" "Cheese at it'z best!! xoxo"
The Comeback, Traci Takes On, Benny Hill, Carol Bernett, The Kumars on 42nd St. Dave Chapalle, Heros, SNL,....ur mom. :) "My personal Beatz Spinin Trainee,..she'z pretty dope""Whatz the point of MYSPACE if you don't have @least one shirtless photo up. Or even better...4!!""Thanxgiving @ da Grove is pretty lameo..unless u have friendz like these..(insert fart noise)..!!" "Mariah Scary VS. Electro/HipHop 80'z...bring it on el'dorko!!"
any and all Terry Brooks novels. He's not very good looking,....but a great writer."If only everything in Life were 3-D man...!! Rock it out with the Dakota Skye cliqe--" "Thingz dat make ya go HMMMMMM" "Taste like chicken...high-fashion chicken"
April O'Neal...she never got enought credit for kicking ass!!"Um..are we 2 old 2 be @ this concert or what??""In N. India, on top of the world...love you Jecca!!""Yo...i'd Like a surfing partner meetz HULK provider 2 go please!!""James and I thinkin...(what da fuk r we doing here)..""My crew!""Great mindz dress alike""We call him Jumanjii..!!""One day...Me going 2 be like GEISHA!!" "My FAV MOVIE of ALL TIME!!""This is as close as I'll get 2 fish!""another night in SilverLake, and we might as well be lezbianz" "Um...yea..we're dizzy" "Timmy iz SOO tan it's amazing!!""My popz an I on hiz boat...big pimpin, bitch!""Ain't nobody kan play dress'up like Bre and me..SLAP!"