Being alive, dancing, reading, writing, baking, sailing, horseback riding, philosphy, singing, studying ancient cultures, politics, computers, etc.
Too busy to meet people!
That's right, I already have my ticket to opening day, giant screen showing of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!!
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Stargate SG-1, Star Trek TNG
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L Ron Hubbard is the biggest one! Prince Phillip in Sleeping Beauty, Fanny Price in Mansfield Park, Keledry of Mindelan in Lady Knight, Sydney Carson in A Tale of Two Cities, Beauty in Rose Daughter, Lord Jolen in White Dragon, Rose in Spindle's End, Sherlock Holmes, Meg Murry in A Wrinkle in Time, Vicky Austen in A Ring of Endless Light, Yasmin in Many Waters, Faraday in Enchanter, Lirael, Valentine in Ender's Shadow, Corran Horn in I Jedi, Vanyel in Magic's Pawn, Kellen in The Outstretched Shadow, Briar, Sandry, Daja and Tris in The Will of the Empress, Tarma and Kethry in The Oathbound, Jonas in The Giver, Sarah of Genesis, Dovasary in Trickster's Queen, Peter in Pegasus in Space, Kris in Freedom's Randsom, Skif in Take a Thief, Mara Jade in Vision of the Future, Eleanor in Sense and Sensability, Rose in Eight Cousins and Rose In Bloom, Jo March in Little Women, Lizzy in Pride and Prejudice