playing video games,
playing with Oreo and Pumpkin,
being with Jeff every possible moment of every day.
Did I mention boneless buffalo wings and Italian food, don't forget the cheesy fries.
Hmm. That'll get your creative juices flowing!
I'd like to meet:
People from high school, friends from college... Jon Katz, he's my idol. Stephen King, same thing. I wish I could get a good book written, publish it and not have to worry about working ever again, just writing and reading. I'd buy a farm, and have a couple donkeys and chickens and other various farm animals and use that as an excuse to have them as pets! Plus it would give me a great chance to teach Oreo how to herd properly. That's my ideal life.
Many... many others.
Vampires, werewolves, witchcraft: Underworld 1 & 2, Blade trilogy, Cursed, Wolf, etc.
I'm a sucker for romances: The Notebook
Natural Disaster movies: DAT, Twister, Deep Impact, Armageddon, the Core, Volcano, Dante's Peak, etc.
Science Fiction/Fantasy/Comic Book: Donnie Darko, Sin City, V for Vendetta, LOTR, Spiderman, etc.
Looking very much forward to seeing TNMT and 300.
General Action Adventure: POTC, Gladiator, Troy, etc.
Quality horror films: The Descent, Cabin Fever, NOES, etc.
Family Guy
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
Stephen King: On Writing
Lisey's Story,
James Patterson: Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas,
John Grogan: Marley and Me,
Jon Katz: Dog Year,
Dogs of Bedlam Farm,
Katz on Dogs,
A Good Dog
Stephen King,
Jon Katz,
My Mama
Good show by the way!