Welcome to my world...
My name is Patrick. I'm 19 years old; but 20 years is just around the corner. I'm from Edinburgh, in Scotland. [I'd just like to point out that Scotland is not in England, thank you very much.] I'm a University student, studying International Relations and Music. I'm part Asian, as well as a variety of other nationalities.
I'm in love with a beautiful girl named Charlotte. She is my everything. She makes me laugh, she makes me happy and she understands me. She means the world to me, and she knows this because I tell her enough.
Put simply, I'd be lost without her.
Although I'm not studying photography, I really enjoy it as something to do. I'm in the process of creating a Flickr of some of my photos. I'm not another person on MySpace who takes photos of themselves and pretends I'm obsessed with photography; it genuinely is something which interests me. Likewise, music is a big part of my life. I'm not going to over-exaggerate and say it's my whole life, because it isn't; but I get a lot of enjoyment out of both making and listening to music of many different forms, as well as studying it as an academic subject.
I'm not a nasty person in reality, however, I can be viciously sarcastic. I also resent being judged over a website, it's not a true representation of who I am as a person. It's happened in the past, and it'll happen in the future, but remember this: MySpace is not a true representation of me as a person.
Lastly, I'm not an arrogant person. Yes, I'm self-confident, but I'm definitely not arrogant. I detest liars and untrustworthy people, and as a result, I'm sadly quite paranoiac. I try to see the good in everyone...with some it takes longer than with others.
If after reading all this, you recognise parts of your own personality, or you think you'd like talking to me, feel free to add me and strike up conversation. I don't think you'll regret it.