" / Get Your Own Voice Player Manageok... so if you want to friend request me... actually talk to me... im starting to think people friend request me just for the hell of it... and i guess we'll see how many people actually read this also... and on that notei should write something here... but what to write... mabey i should write that the few things i enjoy most in life are surfing snowboarding and sleeping forever? mabey even that i coach high school wrestling or mabey i should tell you guys that im 5'11" 185 lbs... or mabey i should keep that a secret... or even the remote possibility of me telling all you myspacers that im a complete computer nerd and i absolutely love my trade doing graphic design... wow now that i think of it i dont know that much about myself... i think i may be alot more fun in person then what my myspace profile says about me... so if you can think of something about me that other people would like to know just throw a comment down there would ya'NOW HOW BOUT YOU DO A LIL GRAFITTI ON MY WALL
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