Interested in bringing greater understanding about the value of diversity in the world. A homogenized society would be a terrible thing. Who wants to live a parochial school world where everthing is dressed the same and taught to act the same. It is our differences that we need to learn to embrace. For me, I want to better accept and understand. I want to help others to adopt this thinking. Life is truly a rainbow of experience. Let's enjoy what makes us different from one another.
People who really get it. Life is short and time is moving fast. This has become a material world. But that is not what this experience is really about. Whoever has the most toys at the end of the game does not win the game. It is about what you believe in. Your actions. I am looking for friends who believe in something. I believe life is about accumulating knowledge, expanding experience, spiritual insight, and friendship. I am drawn to people like that.
Leila BroussardFoo Fighters, Pat Methany, Neil Young, the Seattle Sound, Most jazz, Classical music, and music known collectively as "world music"
Office Space, Little Miss Sunshine, An Inconvenient Truth, Groundhog Day
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We need more hereos. When I think about a hero, I think of many different kinds of hero. Martin Luther King faced overwhelming conflicts, but did not stop when it would have been easier. The people who have stood up for equal treatment and rights for theemselves, children, and friends, but are denied because of their immigration status show great courage. Persons who go into the burning building or respond to the call from help from strangers because it is the right thing are my hereos as well. We need more hereos.