ya-chen profile picture


gee....what do I say?

About Me

yeah!!!! i've figured out this stupid photobucket thing......src="http://pic.photobucket.com/getyourown.gif" style="border-width: 0;" vspace="1" Photobucket Album ..

My Interests


i'm trying to come up with an awesome movie collection and so far the must have movies are monster inc, braveheart, zoolander, 300, fearless, king kong, and the list goes on...still working on it....


thursday is my favorite day of the week cuz The Office, My name is Earl, grey's anatomy, and Brothers and Sisters comes on....nobody bothers me till after 11pm :)


um...its been awhile since i picked up a book but it doesn't mean i hate reading. i have a book in mind though, i'll tell everyone the story after i'm done with it!


my BIG family. they're always there when i need them and no matter what happens to me they're always there to catch my fall. i love them!