Singing songs to my Savior, reading, and anything that has to do with the outdoors.
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Mary Magdalene... I want to ask her how it felt to have the courage to show Jesus how she felt in the presence of all those men. I'd also like to meet Mary - Martha's sister. I think we'd have a lot in common... I love just being at the feet of the Savior. And Esther - yes the list goes on, but I'll end with this one. She was so confident and brave. I'd love to have a chat with her.
Grand Prize, Chris Tomlin, Jeremy Camp, Jennifer Knapp, Barlow Girl, Relient K, Kutless, Switchfoot, Nicole Nordeman, and the soundtrack The Phantom of the Opera.
Pirates of The Caribbean 1 + 2, The Phantom of the Opera, A Walk to Remember, Star Wars (the original trilogy), Count of Monty Cristo, The Princess Bride
LOST, 24, Friends, Gilmore Girls
The Bible, anything by Max Lucado, the classics "Emma", "A Tale of Two Cities", "Pride and Prejudice"... the list goes on. I enjoy a good mystery now and then as well.
Jesus Christ.