The Illest profile picture

The Illest

About Me

What can I say? My life has been quite an adventure so far. Only a handful of people have gotten me to the point I'm at today. Thanks to them, and everyone else who helped, which isn't many, but you all know who you are. Not sure how many chapters of life I have under my belt so far, but I'm not done with this book yet. I've made more mistakes than many will ever make, and Ive learned from all of them, not matter how painful...Bass playing is life, unfortunately, I had to split town and leave a band I helped create called The Boxsleeves which is a cross between Social D and Reverend Horton Heat with Dimebag. I'm still jammin on my own though. If you never heard 'em, they're on youtube, so no excuses. I also enjoy long walks in the warehouse and blaring music. Oh yeah, I have no shame, no regrets, and no patience for yuppies, morons, haters, liars, or the like. So fuck you, you fuckin fuck, i have enough friends.....................................................
Deftones- Bored
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My Interests

Music and more music, cruisin the bicycle, fishing, camping, , writing music, fucking off, sleeping on one hell of an air mattress, and actually busting my ass at work unlike 90% of the nation

I'd like to meet:

anyone who can be themselves. an original is always worth more......and Laetitia CastaDeftones - Bloody Cape
Add to My Profile | More VideosLife lessons- 1. brace yourself for a whole lot of ugly coming at you from a never ending parade of stupidity------ 2. if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle----- C. dont drink and drive, seriously, take it from a habitual criminal, take a fuking cab---- 5. sticking feathers up your ass does not make you a chicken----- B. just because someone else can do it doesnt mean you can too----- 3. dont judge people, if theyre fucks, theyre fucks---- R. dont take any simple task for granted, if you bitch about driving all the time, GO FUCK YOURSELF---- 741. you aint got to lie to kick it---- M. just beacuse you're a hot girl doesnt give you the right to be a bitch---- I. just because youre rich doesnt mean your better than everybody, nobody wants to hang out with your ignorant ass anyway----- 67. let others help you, but return the favor---- W. tough times dont last, tough people do---- 921. treat others the way you want to be treated, people treat me like shit all the time, and probably you too, not an excuse to be an asshole to everyone who doesnt deserve it---- 86. Life sucks, better get used to it----- P. Bad shit will happen everyday as long as you live---- 6. Drugs make you feel good, but theyre all poison----A. Life is short, take responsibility for you actions, and enjoy the ride, cause you aint getting out alive!----- 743. Change is the watchword of progression.445. Work BEFORE Glory5-0. ITs not the shoes, its what you do in them.a href=" href="


All except that fuckin pop shit, but to name a few....deftones, Sublime, Primus, Pennywise, The Haunted, Snapcase, Refused, Propaghandi, The Boxsleeves, ST, Brian Setzer, Black Flag, Stray Cats, Malakai, Harrison Bergeron, The First Wave, As I lay dying, SCOTS, Dropkick Murphys, Tool, Rage Against The Machine, AFI, Scarface, Nas, Social Distortion, Casualties, NOFX, Johnny Cash, Willie, Bad Religion, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Reverend Horton Heat, Everclear, ol' school Live, ol' school Weezer, The Clash, Minor Threat, Flogging Molly, Rancid, Rise Against, Soulfly, The Vandals, Coldplay, Noonday Undrground, Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, The Ventures, White Stripes, The Roots, Mos Def, NWA, Lily Allen, The Nobody's, System of a Down, Gorillaz, No Use For A Name, Led Zepplin, Lynrd Skyrnd, Pink Floyd, DMX, Cypress Hill, Incubus, Neutral Milk Hotel, Motorhead, Bone, Old school Avenged Sevenfold, Drag the River, AC/DC, Me first and the Gimme Gimmes, Tupac, Biggie, Violent Femmes, Transplants, Sick of it all, Sepultura, Supersuckers, Hussy, i even like a little mexican music, can't understand the shit they're sayin but it sounds cool....


Half Baked, Fight Club, Scarface, Family Guy, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill Vol. 1, Casino, Resevoir Dogs, Sin City, Boondock Saints, Jackie Brown, Sopranos, Goodfellas, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smokin Barrels, almost any music DVD...


Sucks, 'cept for My name is Earl and THE Detroit Red Wings Hockey Club.


yeah, i just read the fine print...


My fam and real friends, the COOL musicians (you know who you are) Che Guevara, Caravaggio, Chi Cheng and the rest of the 'tones, any nonconformists, Les Claypool, Maynard, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Johnny Cash, Brad Nowell, Mike Ness, Jimi Hendrix, Jesse James, Robert Rodriguez, Dave Chappelle and CHARLIE MURPHY!!!!

My Blog

Nonsensical ravings of a madman

Stay at home and cry Dont bother to give it a try You wonder whats wrong with you, you only wonder why   Dont take the risk, there is no reward There is no goal to move toward Just stop trying, y...
Posted by The Illest on Sat, 17 May 2008 11:41:00 PST

Nothing like hospitals to put a spin on life

So a week ago I posted a blog about how strange life has gotten. I am thankful to be home and typing this right now. Though I was quite alone during my visit, friends and family called. I didnt tell m...
Posted by The Illest on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 06:55:00 PST


A lot of us say we have friends. What is a friend? Someone who kicks it with you when they have better shit to do? yes. Someone who tells you how pathetic you are? not a chance. Someone who supports y...
Posted by The Illest on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 06:00:00 PST

Colorado Springs, thanks for the good(and bad) times

As I'm sure you know, I ain't in COS no mas. All my close, and not as close, friends know why I had to do it. Thanks to everybody for the help along the way. I will miss the Boxsleeves, the Nickel, my...
Posted by The Illest on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 07:06:00 PST

deftones @ Fillmore

YO-this was a fucking awsome show. The whole crowd was into it and that got the band into it. Thanks to everyone who was there and to the insane mosh pit that last the whole show. Classic! Here's the ...
Posted by The Illest on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 01:11:00 PST

Motherfucker...time to face the music

I tell you what, this shit has got to stop. My life is not going anywhere. I might have lost my job. My apartments a fucking wreck. The chick I'm "dating" ripped half my lip off during sex. My car is ...
Posted by The Illest on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 06:47:00 PST

Meaning of what?

Yeah, just another day for the corporate machine. A guy asked me what the meaning of life is, i have not a fucking clue. What is the meaning? Why are we here, what does happen when we take the dirt na...
Posted by The Illest on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 09:37:00 PST


Independence day. Not much to say. It's been a long fuckin day. Thanks for readin now go away. least I got tix to Deftones.
Posted by The Illest on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 01:49:00 PST

can't run from your past

ever get that felling you're lookin for something you don't want to find? just because it's easier to be familar with something instead of taking a risk? i need to get the fuck out of this town. only ...
Posted by The Illest on Mon, 29 May 2006 10:32:00 PST


-First president in U.S. history to enter office with a criminal record.-In his first two years in office, over 2 million Americans lost their jobs.-Shattered record for biggest annual deficit in hist...
Posted by The Illest on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 08:17:00 PST