Kesh profile picture


Once upon a time, shit happend.

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
It's difficult to summerize your exsistence into a paragraph, I feel like someone else should be writing it, but here it goes. I am 26yr old male, living near abouts Lawrence KS. I study, people, philosophy and ideas that make up humanity. I think that the human spirit and mind are beautiful things and shouldn't be locked behind a fake mask. I don't like the way we run our society and I don't find money a good substitute for imagination or love as seems widely accepted.I'm irresponsible with money and like to play devil's advocate.. I don't give my trust, respect or Love to just anyone, it is earned by being truthful, honest and having character.I dream too much, try to think too big for my own good and as a result have much to do in the way of preparing myself for the real world. I love reading, exploring new games on the internet and meeting people, all kinds of people... Collecting the views of others so that I may see this world in as many shades as my mind can hold. There is so much to see, I don't want to miss it. I adore anything that has real humanity in it, Poetry, art and music that mean something has a shard of the author in it.Anyway this is enough for now, if you want to know more then just send me a message. Just be yourself if your going to talk with me, I'm non judgemental and much rather know a person, than know thier song and dance.

My Interests

Philosophy, Psychology, Poetry, Gaming, Drinking, Reading, Foriegn Movies, Computers, Art, Friends and my Family.

I'd like to meet:

adopt your own virtual pet!


Love almost all kinds of music. Right now my favorite list I've put together is the new Hot hot heat, Cake, Clap your hands and say yeah, Interpol and Ravenettes. All fantastic albums. My favorite artist overall is Fiona Apple, she hasn't written a bad song yet.


Love movies, wide range of them.. However not a big fan of hollywood fluffy crap. I like Foriegn films best, they seem to still be about making a good story and not solely about money. Does not mean tho, that there aren't plenty of American movies that I love. A few Favs, Fight Club, Tae Guk Gi, Spirited Away, Audition, Ichi the Killer, 1st Matrix only, Dracula (bram stoker's) Clockwork Orange, Legend, Labrynth, Never Ending Story and Flight of Dragons.


Don't have one, live in BFE no cable. But I do like CSI and Startrek.. hmm oh and 6ft under, family guy, Futurama, 7 days.


The Tao of Pooh, Midnight Blue (sonya blue Trilogy), The incarnations of immortality series by Piers Anthony, Fade, Elric series by Michael Moorcock. and will add more when I have time.


Macguyver, My Father and whoever assasinates our president.

My Blog


Alright so being tagged I have to post 10 factoids about myself then damn others to do the same.1. Once I was out of cigarettes and walking down the street nicking out really bad but I was totally bro...
Posted by Kesh on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 07:26:00 PST

Rainforest Adventure

What happens in the magic time my dog is outside, from the moment I open the door to let him escape and the moment he's pawing wanting back in that makes him smell like diapers and dead animals.  ...
Posted by Kesh on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 02:11:00 PST

Doctor everythings broken what do we do.

I realised  today that just about  everything I own is broken, my computer overheats so I  have a  big box fan on the side of it, I can't turn the computer off because it might no...
Posted by Kesh on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 08:55:00 PST

Surfing with the Toilet fish

I just got back from Dad's this morning, we spent the night talking about the end of the world and polotics, world history and death, which is the usual passtime and rather enjoyed it.  One thing...
Posted by Kesh on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 07:58:00 PST

Waiter theres a BB in my soup

I think it takes true talent to start writing your blog when you really have nothing to say like today.  Therefore I'd like a gold star by my name for the week teacher, than you.I was thinking ab...
Posted by Kesh on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 03:10:00 PST

Goblins and Dancing bears

So it's halloween, I just saw the clock turn 12:01 and wondered if I could feel the cosmic shift of holidayness take hold, hmmm I kinda did.   I kinda feel sorry for kids on Halloween these days,...
Posted by Kesh on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 10:20:00 PST

From fast to worse

After just consuming a burger bought from the greasy hard working laborers of Sonic I have come to a few conclusions.  It appears to me that fast food is getting even worse than it used to be, I ...
Posted by Kesh on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 09:29:00 PST

Goodbye always sucks

So I finally closed the doors to my old server Altar of Storms today.  It was kinda depressing saying goodbye to people and to also see how fast things change.  Not only had they replaced ev...
Posted by Kesh on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 05:16:00 PST

No rest for the Wicked

Why oh why do I have to go to sleep, I wish I could just keep running like the fucking energizer bunny sometimes.I'm not sure why I have some recent adversion to the sleep cycle, I've never been a hea...
Posted by Kesh on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 05:30:00 PST

Once twice three times a Mayday

BURN OUT,I was thinking today while in the middle of my grocery shopping of just how  deprived I am, good lord.  There are so many hot women at the grocery store, I think they were always th...
Posted by Kesh on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 06:43:00 PST