Texas hold em', All Sports especially the Redskins. Huge home town fan.
Any Redskins. Chris Cooley is one favorites now but don't have an all-time favorite. Darrell Green would be high on the list. Not a big Golfer but would like to Meet Tiger Woods just to say that,
DC 101 is the channel I listen to most but I like all music expect for Opera. I have been listening to SportsTalk 980 alot as well.
Used to work at a video store for many years so I have lots of favorites but my childhood favorite would have to be the Original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
ESPN and The NFL Network. Wife got me into some of the Food Network shows. House and Deadliest Catch are my Tuesday Night Shows.
Dont really like to read if I don't have to.
I have a few.