Sarah LeAnn**<iM sOo ReAdY>** profile picture

Sarah LeAnn**&lt;iM sOo ReAdY&gt;**

ThA FuTuRe Of ...&& i ♥ iT

About Me

ThA nAmE iS SaRaH LeAnN
i JuSt ReCeNtLy GrAdUaTeD fRoM LaFaYeTtE
{{ClAsS oF '007...mIsSiOn AcCoMpLiShEd}}
i LiVe FoR mY fAmIlY aNd FrIenDs...ThEy aRe SiMpLy AmAzInG
i Am RaNdOm
i LiVe oN mIlKy wAyS aNd ChInEsE fOoD
i WiLl BeFrIeNd JuSt ABoUt AnYoNe
mE aNd MaH DaWGs...wE pARtaY lIkE RoCkStArS
i LoVe To SmIlE AnD lOvE bEiNg ArOuNd PeOpLe WhO cAn MaKe ThAt HaPpEn
i Am SoO rEaDy FoR ThIs AuGuSt
Go tHoRoBrEdS!
I dReAm BiG aNd Do MaH bEsT tO aVoId DRaMa
wHeN iT cOmEs To CeRtAiN pEoPlE..I wEAr MaH hEaRt On MaH sLeEvE
i OnLy HaVe RoOm FOR OnE AsShOlE iN mAh LiFe...
...aNd ThAt PoSiTiOn HaS bEeN FiLLeD
i ReFuSe To Be HuRt AgAiN, sO i FiLtEr OuT bULLsHiT
i Am ExTrEmElY oUtGoInG
i LaUgH tOo HarD aNd ProBaBlY TaKe ToO mAnY pIcTurEs
i AbSoLuTeY lOvE dAnE cOoK
i Don'T rEaLlY hAvE rEgREtS...BuT If GiVeN a sEcOnD chAnCe...
...tHeRe ArE tHiNgS thAt I wOuLd NoT rEpEaT
i CaN bE SeLfIsH aT tImEs BuT i MeAn WhO iSn'T...LoL!
I ♥ LiFe
SoMeTiMeS my SmIlE iS dEcEItFuL...
i AbSoLuTeLy LoVe WiLl FeReLL
NaPoLeoN DyNaMiTe iS tHe SecOnD gReAtEst MoViE eVaH
i ThInK DiFfErEnTlY thAn Most
LiKe It Or noT...ThIs iS mE

My Interests

found this polka layout at HOT :: MyHotComments

I'd like to meet:

{{I hAvE bEeN BlEsSeD WiTh AmAzInG PeOplE iN mAh LIfE...mAH fRiEnDs<♥> No MaTtEr WhAT, tHeY aRe CoNsIstANtLy ThErE FoR mE...jUsT To nAmE a FeW...



BoOsIe bOoSiE BoOsIe, nOw ThAt NiGgA iS tHa TrUth...DuUhH


I was blessed with amazing friends. I ♥ them to def!
Mah GirliesMah Daawwgs

Wean Bean


MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts


my one and only hero is my mommi!
she is amazing, there is NO comparison

My Blog

High School, those 4 crazay years!

Damn, it's really over! No more high school! Wow, 4 long, crazy, amazing, drama filled years! Freshman year at Clay, you know to be honest that was kind of a really chill year. Mild drama it was just...
Posted by Sarah LeAnn**[[iM sOo ReAdY]]** on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 10:00:00 PST

Last Night....OH WOW!

Yo, I know this happened at the end of our night, but I am going to start with that...THAT FUKKIN RED CHEVROLET! I mean was he serious! Who crashes into somebody else, and then dip sets! Oh Wow! Leave...
Posted by Sarah LeAnn**[[iM sOo ReAdY]]** on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 08:36:00 PST

Crazy times wit tha hoes!

Was Liberty Road where last night started? Umm, yeah how bout the 80 year old man. But how bout they kept stressin, Amma he got money you better talk to him! What tha hell, this man was [[SMACKED]] pl...
Posted by Sarah LeAnn**[[iM sOo ReAdY]]** on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 06:25:00 PST

Amma, Toya, and Juliette

Oh my goodness! Girls, how much fun did we have! Starting like what the 30th. Tha pit tho. How bout we get all the way to Richmond and they pick that night to ID. Yall bitches finally get me out of th...
Posted by Sarah LeAnn**[[iM sOo ReAdY]]** on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 12:47:00 PST