I have a callus on my left ring finger from holding my pencil funny. The doctor man said that's a symptom of the A.D.D.
My Interests
They change too often for me to bother putting them in here.
Recent tracks played on my compy:
My Blog
c'est très important
I'm going public for the first time in almost two years, and here's why: I went F.O. because Anthony didn't want even the slightest mention of his existence in my life to be snooped out by Katy's hawk... Posted by Beppy on Fri, 18 Nov 2005 08:49:00 PST
The only blog entry ever
For all blog entries, see http://www.livejournal.com/users/walrusbeppy Yea, it's friends only. Stop whining. I'll add you. Hey, see what I'm listening to? It's those four guys crossing the street. >... Posted by Beppy on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST