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:D am here again my friends, miss you all, but i miss some more than others, thanks for keeping on t

About Me

hmmmmm, well, am cool, nice, would like to have a smile always, doing a great things ( great things: things are you doing it and feel that you did a great thing ;))), but the things you do which make you feel that are not same for each one ;). :))))))))))))))) life has got a lot of complicated things, so i would to make it so simple as much as i can, its my way. thats it, there is a lot more, but this is enough for now. :))))))) Kiwi

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My Interests

name Mahmud
age 23
birthday 09 Jun 1983
birthplace Amman
hair colour Black
eye colour Brown
shoe size 40-43
clothing size 32
weaknesses Fear
occupation IT guy
dislikes misunderstanding
drink early Greay
number 4
colour Black, Red, Blue
movie Faceoff, GodFather, Green Mile
holiday Poland, Jordan, Qatar, UAE, ...and more ( meeting friends)
subject Technology, True stories ;))
shampoo Mix ;))))))
perfume GIG ;)))))))
colour your hair Mine
have acrylic nails NOb , never
like rollarcoasters YEAAAAAA
own a cell phone Yubee :)))) how am ganna live without it????
smoke/drink No.. Sometimes :(((
have a boyfriend/girlfriend well, at this moment no :(((((
have an obsession
care about your looks What you think??? Sure, My mood is controling on my look :)))
been one the radio No, its not that big deal
committed a crime yea, to keep silent on the TRUTH
lied to someone Who did not ?? :))))))
used someone No way , am not that bad person
done drugs No, No, No
kicked someone in the balls Wel,, no, i can;t do it :)))))))
held a gun once, it was a sound gun not real one
been on tv
been on stage No, its not a big deal too, once i got a chance to make a show but forget it, am not intrested :)))))
Pink/purple Purple
dominos/pizza hut Pizza Hut
roxy/fubu Roxy
chocolate/vanilla VaNiLlA
cappaccino/latte cApPaCcInO
skating/motocross MOtoCRosS
ugly/retarted ah ah ah, Noway
lipstick/lipgloss :.._..[(&*%^&
coke/fanta :))))
lollies/chocolate LollIES :)) much better
maccas/chicken treat blablabla breeeeeeee
MYER/david jones blablabla brrrrrrrrrrrrr
skunkwear/waves bla blabla aaaaaaa breeeeeeee
long hair/short hair Long Hair, not that long
curly hair/straight Curly hair
deoderant/perfume Both
winter/summer Both
blonde/brunette Brunette, but blonde its ok if it was with stright mind ;)
personality/looks Both, but personality is more important
rich/famous Rich :))) famous ?? what a headache
books/magazines Magazines
roses/frangipannies Roses :)))
barbie/disney princesses Disney for sure
ARE YOU me not are you??? :)))
shy Sometimes :o
talkative well, it depends ;)))))
forgiving Yes, Too Much, but i don forget, i added to a list :) in case
doeghy WDF?????
happy Alhamdullah, yes
bored Never :)))))))))))))
flexiable Yea, too much, i make it ezy 4 friends to deal with me
eye colour Natural :))))
hair colour well, i prefare black, but Natural too would be nice
hair style Any :))))) everone has a style to looks fine
style Mixed :)))))
weight well, not like looking at a wild ground
height sure can't touching the moon
hobbies any fitness
personality Trusted
RANDOM Random ??? automatic or manual ;))))
are you bored with this quiz not that much
do you have anything better to do well, not yet
have you had a shower today ahahahhaha, like this one :)))) sure many times
what are you doing now FINISHING up THIS ShOrt Quiz ( wawawa wanna Cry)

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I'd like to meet:

WEll, I don't want talk about it that much, just be normal as you are. oh, who knows how to cook and ready to give free lessons ;)))))))

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Newage NatureSound Classic Rock Oldz Metal some hip hop and R'N'P


The GodFather Brave Heart Last of the Mohicans Gladiator Heat City of Angels FaceOff and more


Friends , X-Files , Millennium , and some of Cartoona and Anime :))


I Don't Remember what i read at my school :))))) so, i wont remember what i read else, if i did :)))


AHA, Well, never meet yet :))))))